Jonah Imagine

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Today was your first day of school and Jonah was here to help you get ready and get to school on time, his alarm went off at 6:45 AM and he set one up for 6:50 AM for you to get up. The reason why he woke up earlier is because he wanted to make you breakfast and get your shower nice and warm for you this is why you love him because it's the little things he does and not for the fame or the money. He turned on the water and had adjusted it to the perfect temperature you love and he heard your alarm go off and he went to the room and he walked to your bed "Baby, it's time to wake up. I know you're sleepy but you have school today, wake up beautiful." Jonah said putting his hands over your eyes and turning on your lamp and turning off your alarm, he took the covers off of you and he carefully sat you up and your eyes fluttered open "Good morning baby girl." Jonah said kissing you softly "Good morning my love." You managed to say, he carried you out of bed and helped you pick out your outfit and he walked you to the bathroom and you got into the shower. While you were showering he made you eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast he calls it The Breakfast of Champions and he got you Lemonade to drink, you got out of the shower and got dressed and the outfit he chose was super cute.

You walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen where Jonah was putting food on a plate, he looks so hot in the morning especially right now cause he's shirtless and he has scratches on his back from 2 days ago because y'all had sex and you...

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You walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen where Jonah was putting food on a plate, he looks so hot in the morning especially right now cause he's shirtless and he has scratches on his back from 2 days ago because y'all had sex and you're still sore from that day you guys did it 3 times during the day and for about 4 hours at night. You went to the couch and turned on the TV to MTV and started watching Catfish, Jonah walked over with your food and his food "You look so cute baby." He said sitting next to you and kissing your neck "Thanks baby, I'm not gonna take all the credit you helped me pick my clothes." You said snuggling into his arm, the two of you ate and it was 7:05 so you decided to go do your hair and you had curled it and braided a strand of hair and pinned it the top of your right ear and you began to do your makeup, you didn't want to wear too much so you did a light makeup routine but you decided to wear a light pink lip so you can have little color on your face. And you went to brush your teeth and Jonah was putting on a jacket because he didnt feel like putting on a shirt "Baby, I'm gonna take you lunch so I'll be waiting outside the cafeteria and I'm taking you Subway." Jonah said grabbing your bag from the couch and putting your charger and headphones in the small pouch, you grabbed your jewelry which was your bracelets, your promise ring Jonah had given you for your birthday and then your heart shaped necklace Esther had given you before she left to college. You had to have your ID with you so you grabbed that too and you went downstairs to meet Jonah waiting for you by the door "Ready babe?" He said opening the door and giving you your keys "Yeah, so I wont be late." You said opening your phone and seeing that it's already 7:25 and it takes 17 minutes to get to the school from your house. You went to the car and he opened the door for you and buckles you in and he had set your backpack on your legs, he went to the drivers side and he got in and turned on the car you grabbed the aux cord and played the song Never Be The Same by Camila Cabello and Kane Brown so you sang along and so did Jonah, the car ride from your house to school was short because you guys were singing a long to a lot of songs that you both loved and you reached the front if your High School and it was full of people and they were all staring at you which made you get nervous "Have fun baby, and I'll be back at 3:15 to get you. Dont listen to anyone if they give you hate or trouble, I love you baby girl and be safe." Jonah said kissing you passionately yet short because cars were already lining behind y'all "I'll text you when I'm bored, bye baby." You said opening your door and getting out. You walked to your group of friends and Jonah drove off which made you really sad but he texted you (Text Convo)
LOML💜: Hey baby, I know I just dropped you off but I miss you already, I can't wait to have you back in my arms later on. Just remember that I am so proud of you and you're the best girlfriend I've ever had, nobody compares to you baby girl. It's you and I against the world, the boys can't wait to hear how your day went, go into that school and be the best you can be. I love you to the moon and back Y/N!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
You smiled and the bell rang so you couldn't reply back because the school has a strict no phone policy which is so stupid because literally everyone is on their phones in the bathroom and in the cafeteria, you went in and sat with your class. The whole day went by smoothly and you love your classes your schedule is:
Period 1- AP English
Period 2- Government/Economics
Period 3- Careers
Period 4- Performing Arts
Period 5- Plato for Astronomy
Period 6- Band
Period 7- Library Aid
When Jonah picked you up he took you to get ice cream at the store and y'all drove home to see the boys waiting outside, you both started to laugh and you got out of the car "About time, I see Ice Cream. Looks like someone had a good time at school, how was it Y/N." Zach said taking the bag from your hand so you could unlock the door, once you went inside you went to change into some comfy clothes aka a pair of Nike spandex and one of Jonah's shirts that is hella big on you, you went downstairs and met up with the guys "So Y/N how was school?" Jack said getting bowls from a cabinet "I loved it, we really didn't do anything today which is good. And I dont have a math class this year which is awesome cause I hate math." You said going to your bag "I'm glad you had fun baby." Jonah said kissing your forehead and giving you a bowl of Ice Cream. The rest of the day you were with the boys playing video games and just talking, you were so happy that Jonah was with you for your first day because he made it special.

Hey loves, I hope you guys are loving my stuff. I feel like they're not good at all, and I used my school schedule but instead of AP English I have regular English and for Period 7 I have Plato for Geometry, I'm a little dumb in Math. But hope you guys have an amazing day or night depending on when you read this, I love you guys💜💜💜💜

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