Daniel Imagine

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Today was the biggest day of your life, you were competing at a Track meet that could make or break you aka the last district meet that determines either or not your going to State or not. You told Daniel and the boys along with their families if they wanted to they can come but you already knew they were gonna go because they all at California, but little did you know that they all flew to the place where the meet was happening "I can't believe we're here to see Y/N." Isla said holding a sign all the little kids made you which said 'Our hearts belong to Y/N and she is the fastest person here!' in purple paint and silver glitter and everyone had your school shirts on supporting you and your team, you and the team got to the field and you walked out and you were officially determined to go to State. You were running the 4 mile, the 4x100, the hurdles, the 2x100 and the field event were Pole Vault and Long Jump, the field events were in the middle of the field so they have a clear shot of you and you guys were set up on the other side of the field on the bleachers, you walked to the gate that gave entrance to the field and when you entered you and your friend Molly were side by side looking at other teams "This place is packed, this is gonna be a show." Molly said causing both of y'all to laugh "I just wish Daniel was here." You said looking down at the ground in a sad voice "Hey Y/N look he may not be here but he is here in spirit he told you that he would be there mentally not physically, you just have to do your very best for him and the boys you worked so hard and today you could go to State. Today is your day to show everyone here that you're not to be messed with because you're the fastest person here, no one can catch up to you." Molly said facing you and grabbing your shoulders and filling you with more determination.
Daniel's P.O.V
I saw my girlfriend the one who I love so much, she doesnt know we're here and I don't know if she'll ever know but right now her friend was talking to her. I guess she is hyping her up "Daniel when are we gonna see her?" Anna said looking at him "Not now, she is already on the field and I dont think she can come up here." I said trying not to sound rude, she was with the rest of her friends now and her coach went to tell them something cause right now she is sitting on the grass putting on her spikes "The next event is the 4 Mile, if you're competing in that category we would like if you and your coach would come sign in." The announcing person said and Y/N went with her coach to sign in, shit I didn't know she ran this one and I would remember she would tell me that she doesnt want to run the 4 mile because she slows down a lot. My hands started sweating "I thought she wasn't running this one, what changed her mind?" My mom said in a shocked voice "She doesnt like this one, but here she is running it. Maybe the coaches wanted her to try." I said taking off my jacket. She signed in and went back to her friends and she sat down on the ground and started to stretch and she layed down and her friend I'm guessing her name is Jessica is stretching her legs, once she was done she had put her knee brace on and strechted her legs again not gonna lie I'm scared for Y/N because I know if she doesnt do good or have a good time she is never gonna let this go and she really wants to go to State since this is her Senior year.
Y/N's P.O.V
I signed in to do the 4 Mile and I am not happy about it, I hate this one with a passion and if I dont do good then there goes my chances of going to State "Okay everyone gather up!" Your coach yelled and everyone went into a huddle "Today is y'alls day, no matter what happens you guys are so amazing and talented athletes and we're very proud of you guys. We know that some of y'all are in things y'all dont like but it's worth a try, Y/N you're about to do the 4 Mile and we need everyone supporting her. Keep your pace and never give up even if you feel like you can't do it then remember who youre doing this for." Your coach said facing everyone, she was right I need to do this for the people that I love even if they're not here. I took off my jacket and gave it to Molly and we did our little prayer and I made my way to the benches we have to sit at while we wait for our category to get called "Last call for the 4 Mile, last call." The announcer said into the Mic I was really nervous about this, what if I dont make it? What if I'm not fast enough? My friends Molly, Jessica, Carmen, and Carolina came to hype me up that's when we had to get ready and I got in the track shaking my legs and stretching one last time. All that was running through my mind was making Daniel and the whole WDW family happy, the person got ready and he pointed the gun to the air and shot it and we all started to run and the main key is that you don't start off sprinting because you'll lose breathe easier that way but looks like everyone did that and now they're slowing down. I ran so much now I'm in 1st place finishing my last 3rd mile okay 1 more to go and I'm good, while I was running my friends and coaches were cheering for me "Y/N NOW ON YOUR 3RD AND 4TH ONE SPRINT!" I heard my friend James yelled and you ran faster which made everyone in the bleachers yell louder your last round came and you sprinted with all your energy you had for this last mile and when you got to the finish line the announcer yelled stop and your coach stopped the timer, your time was 12:30 and you set a new record for your school and you also broke the record that someone had set 2 years ago. You went back with your team and they handed you water which was so cold but it felt so good "Nice work Y/L/N, keep up the good running. That was the most intense 4 mile I've ever seen, even though you didnt like it I'm sure you had a great time. Now time to rest cause in 1 1/2 hours your field events are gonna start." You coach said all hyped up, I sat on the ground and took off my spikes and put my jacket back on and having one of my friends braid my hair

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