Jonah Imagine - Secret Love Song

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You and Jonah have been dating for 6 months and you two haven't gone public yet, you've been scared to because you didn't know if you could take the hate. It's hard because you would see all these couples posting cute things on Instagram and Twitter and you would get sad every now and then because you would imagine doing that with Jonah, but later on having people hate you. It's hard for him too because the only people that know are his family and your family, the boys and their families and of course management, he would have to be careful on commenting cute things on your Instagram posts because that would give it away and Esther Jonah's sister would have to be careful too because we never know, the both of you were at your house in your hometown because Jonah is on break for 3 weeks before going back to LA with the boys "I am so happy that you're here." You said while hugging Jonah and he gave you the biggest smile which made you semi smile "What's wrong baby girl?" Jonah said looking concerned at you "I just feel really bad because we have to be in this secret love and have no one know. And I feel like you're not liking it and want to go public." You said fixing your position on the couch and messing with your hair "Look baby, it is hard trying to keep it a secret. But I understand why you feel like this because I don't want people to hurt you with all of their rude comments, but I promise you this I will never let anyone tear you apart because of us. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and nothing can change that, when I first got with you I knew that I want to spend every single day with you and I plan to do that. Who cares what everyone else thinks or says because you are the reason why I keep going everyday, you're my motivation and I am so blessed to have an amazing girl like you in my life, I love you so much Y/N and I always will." Jonah said coming closer to your body and your eyes fills up with tears "Jonah I think I'm ready to go public, i wanna face this with you." You said while putting a piece of hair behind your ear "Are you sure baby?" Jonah said while sitting near your legs and messing with your blanket "Yeah, I'm sure. I'm ready." You said looking at him smiling. You both took to Instagram and posted pictures of each other and the caption saying you guys have been dating and y'all can't wait to share y'alls love with everyone, Jonah added that he would appreciate it if no one hated on you because he's dating you. Once y'all posted the pictures Corbyn called Jonah congratulating him and you for finally coming public and then Svea called you saying she's happy that you and Jonah are so happy together, he got off the phone and you decided to check the comment section and to your surprise there were not that much hate comments but there were a whole bunch of nice comments. "What do they say?" Jonah said locking his phone and looking at you "This one reads 'I am so happy for you and Jonah, you make him happy so much. We love you Y/N' and some are saying that they could tell because you've been happier." You said smiling from ear to ear "I told you that they would love you." Jonah said going on top of you and hugging you. That whole day you both were watching Disney movies and you just couldn't help but smile so much knowing that the Limelights love you.

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