Jonah Imagine - The Perfect Dress

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Today you were going with your boyfriend Jonah dress shopping for your friends wedding, your a bridesmaid and she said that you can wear whatever dress but in the color Red. She gave you the directions to the dress shop and not gonna lie you were nervous, not only were you in a wedding everyone was asking when you and Jonah would get married. The two of you were dating for almost 1 year and it had put a lot of pressure on you and he could tell "What's wrong babe? You're really quiet today." Jonah said turning down the radio and looking at you then back to the road "Um I'm fine I think, it's just hard." You said not looking away from the window "What's hard? You know you could tell your friend that you dont feel like being in it." Jonah said sounding worrying "It's just, everyone is asking when we're getting married. And not gonna lie I thought about it every now and then but I think we should at least date a little longer, we're almost 1 year together and then everyone asks me. It's hard because when I go to practice my friends mom would basically push me to the corner asking me when we're getting married, I dont know what to do Jonah." You said almost crying, Jonah sits there quietly and concerned "Baby, I didn't know this was making you upset. I've thought about it too honestly and I really want to marry you, but if you need time for us to date more I'm happy with that too. Y/N I would wait for you because no one in this whole entire world has made me feel like you make me feel, you're special to me and I dont want you to leave me. I love you so much and I'm not giving up on you, and dont give up on me." Jonah said taking your hand and kissing it. He made you feel better, you did think about marrying Jonah how much of an amazing husband he would be and how much of an amazing dad he would be, you would imagine little Jonah and little you running around the house and having an awesome time being parents "Thank babe, I really appreciate it and I do wanna marry you one day." You said going to kiss his neck. The both of you got to the store and it was big, you could get lost in there and then maybe not be found ever, a lady came and took you to the back where the dressing rooms were and she handed you 5 red dresses that you really loved. The first dress was a high-low dress and you did not like it what so ever, the other 3 were ballroom dresses and your friend said not poofy dresses you lost hope at this point until the dress lady brought a 2 piece dress and it looked so amazing

You sent a picture to your friend and she loved it so you decided to show Jonah, you walked out of the room and he was sitting there looking down at his phone but when he heard you he looked up and his jaw dropped "Damn baby, you look sexy in that...

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You sent a picture to your friend and she loved it so you decided to show Jonah, you walked out of the room and he was sitting there looking down at his phone but when he heard you he looked up and his jaw dropped "Damn baby, you look sexy in that dress." Jonah said biting his lip and moving his eyes up and down your body "Thanks baby, don't get any ideas now. We're not home." You said giving him a smirk, he got up and walked towards you and he turned you so you're now facing the mirror "Shit, I have the most sexiest girlfriend ever, you're mine and only mine. No one better be making love eyes at you at this wedding because if they are I'm gonna be so jealous." Jonah said kissing your neck hitting your sweet spot "I sent her a picture and she loves it, so I'm getting it." You said turning around "Good, so after the wedding you can watch me tear it off of you." Jonah said moving you closer to him and you could feel him through his pants and your dress "Someone is a little excited, arent they?" You said looking Jonah dead in the eyes "Yup, but only for you." Jonah said pulling you into a kiss. You walkes back to the room to take off the dress and you went to the front desk to buy it, that whole day you and Jonah were making love like no other he wanted you so bad you even forgot the dress in the car, you knew that you wanted to be with him for the rest of your life so whenever people would ask you about y'all getting married you would just say 'Sooner or later, but I'm sure very soon.'.

Hey my loves sorry this was a short imagine, I got so distracted while writing this one but I finished it. I also found out that you could add pictures so I'm gonna be doing that every now and then, hope y'all like it. Love y'all❤❤❤❤

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