Zach Imagine - Forever

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Today you were in your house that you shared with Zach in Dallas, he was at a studio that management told them to go to and you were home alone. It was raining and cloudy so you were in a gloomy/depressed mood, let alone that you were reading comments that people left on your recent Instagram picture which was a picture of you and Zach hugging each other when y'all were playing soccer and lets just say that they're not nice "I wish Zach would just break up with you." "You're just using Zach for fame and money you whore." "BITCH why dont you fucking die." All the rude comments got to you, not only did they hurt you mentally they hurt you physically which means that you don't eat at all and you would just sleep sometimes all day. Zach would beg you to eat but because you love him you ate and he would ask you to go out with him to the studio because he didn't want you to be home alone, it scared him when you would be depressed because he is scared to lose you. You didnt let the hate get to you but now it got to you..... Bad too, you got up from the bed and went to the bathroom and slammed the door and then looked at yourself in the mirror, you stood there just looking at yourself and you thought to yourself "How can Zach date me?" "I'm no where near as beautiful as his ex girlfriend." "Does he even love me?" You had enough of the hate and you grabbed a bottle of pain killers you had in the cabinet and opened the bottle, you've never thought about killing yourself before so this was the first but you didnt want to. What would Zach do when he comes home? What is gonna happen if you really do die? All of the questions ran through your head and you grabbed a hand full of pills and put them in your mouth and swallowed them all with water, you felt them go down one by one and you took another 3 hand fulls...... That's when everything went black.
Zachs P.O.V
I didn't want to leave Y/N alone at the house because I didnt know if she was okay, but for some stupid reason Tyler wouldnt let me bring her, now I'm on my way to the house along with Jack because practice is over. I was so nervous because I havent been able to text her or call her to see if she was okay, Jack was driving semi slow but semi fast because of the rain the roads where slippery. We finally got to the house and that's when I jumped out of the car and ran to the front door and unlocked it, "Y/N. I AM HOME!" I yelled from the front door and nothing "BABY, ARE YOU HERE?" I said going around the house looking for her, Zach went upstairs and Jack closed the door to the house "Zach I'm gonna get some water." Jack yelled from the kitchen, Zach went into y'alls shared room and he couldn't find you, that's when he walked into the bathroom door and he found you laying on the floor and the bottle of pills spilled from when you fell "JACK CALL THE POLICE!" Zach yelled falling to the floor. Jack ran upstairs to see what happened while calling the ambulance "Baby, wake up. Y/N wake up please baby I need you here just wake up for me please." Zach said now crying, Jack gave them the address to the house and the ambulance was going to be at the house in 2 minutes "Y/N, wake up. Please just wake up." Jack said stepping down near you "Bro I can't believe this, who could do this to her?" Zach said hysterically crying right now. The ambulance came and took Y/N to the hospital and the guys along with my mom and dad went too so they can be there for support "Mom, what if she doesn't make it? I can't live without her, she is my everything." Zach said crying into Mytas arms "Sweetie dont think that, she's strong." My mom said hugging me. I never thought my girlfriend would hurt herself, she is so happy and then this happens when I'm not home, I remember grabbing her phone from the counter so I reached in my pocket and unlocked her phone to see what she was doing, when I saw what she was reading I knew why she did this "The hate..... It got to her, she was reading hate comments that people left on her picture and then she did this." Zach said crying more louder than usual. It was a horrible afternoon, the doctor came in saying that she'll be fine but she needs to get her stomach pumped because of all the pills she took and they wanted her to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks so they can help with whatever was happening in her life. I hated that my fans lead her to do this to her but now I get to see her, I walked into her room and there she is.... Hooked up to wires and a machine that is giving her fluids that she needs in her body now "Y/N....." I said walking closer to her bed "She is in a coma Zach, she can hear you but she can't talk back." The nurse said putting your chart near the bed "Will she ever wake up?" Zach said grabbing your hand and whipping his tears with it "I'm sure she will, just have faith in her and she'll pull through." The nurse said before leaving the room, "Y/N, I know you can hear me. Do not fucking leave me, I need you here I dont know what to do if you die. Listen closely to me Y/N you're a fighter and a strong girl who is loved by so many people, who gives a fucking shit what those haters say? Baby girl you're the only girl I love and you're the only girl I want in my life, you give me strength every single day and if you leave I'm going with you. The boys want you here, my family wants you here, your family want you here, the good fans want you here, fucking shit I want you here more than all of them." Zach said while putting his head down on your stomach while listening to your heartbeat coming from the machine "Y/N we made a promise that we'll be together forever, I'm dead serious about dying with you." Zach said crying more and more.
Y/N's P.O.V
I heard everything that Zach said and I wanted to wake up, I never meant to do this but I didn't know if I could go on with all of the hate. It made me miserable that's when I heard Zach say that he would die with me if I die right here right now, and I know that he meant it because he told me before and I would tell him that he has a lot to live for and he's too young to die then we would end up talking about our future together. I ended up getting these flashbacks from when we were dating, the times we went to the beach back in California, the times we would stay up till 5 AM just talking about our love for each other, the time I met his parents and the time he met my parents, the times we made love to each other. But most importantly the times he said I love you to me, which was a lot because he would tell it to you all them time, he would scream it to the world which happens a lot because he travels the world. You couldnt leave Zach alone, you knew how sad and depressed he would get too he's even told you that if you two would've broken up or something happened he would never forgive himself..... And this was one of those time, you tried to wake up to the point where it hurt but then Zach did something that helped, he kissed you and that's when your eyes opened up and you took a deep breathe "Baby!" Zach yelled hugging you "NURSE NURSE SHE IS AWAKE!" Zach said running out of the room and running back in. 3 nurses walked in checking your heartbeat and your blood pressure "Okay Ms.Y/L/N now lets see here, you got your stomach pumped 3 times because of how much supplements you took." One nurse said while the other 2 left the room "Baby, please never do that again. I need you here because you're my everything." Zach said almost about to cry again. He came up to you and kissed you all around your face until you heard "Ewwww get a room." Corbyn said while walking in with the rest of the family "Sweetie, if you ever feel like you're alone just remember that we're always here for you. Please don't do this again, it scared all of us." Zachs mom said while kissing your head. Everyone was telling you how much you meant in there life's and it opened your eyes, you knew that everyone in this hospital room loved you with all their hearts and they never want to see you dead or hurt, Zach never left your side but everyone went home to sleep because it was 10:30 PM "Baby, you can go home. I'll be okay here, I promise." You said looking at Zach and seeing that his hair is now down "No baby, me not being here for you is the reason why you're here. I'm not leaving you alone this time, I can't leave you." Zach said fixing his position on the chair "Did you hear everything I was saying?" Zach said looking down at the ground "Yeah, I did. Zach I promise I'll get better for you and the Why Don't We family, I wasnt thinking when I did it. I was thinking about numbing the pain away, but now I realize that I can't leave you because you wouldn't forgive yourself, and I promise from now on you wouldn't have to come home to me laying on the floor almost dead again, I'm staying here forever with you." You said crying while holding Zachs hand and he looked back at you crying as well "Baby, I just want everything to be okay with you and the fans. I know you love them but I promise that I'll tell them to not say rude stuff to you anymore, I just can't believe this happened." Zach said moving closer to you, the both of you were talking and then Jonah ran into the room breathing heavily "Guys, Y/N is on the news. Turn on the TV to the news now." Jonah said grabbing the remote and turning on the TV while the rest of the guys along with Zachs mom came inside the room. When the TV turned on it was just barely starting the report of when you were taken to the hospital "And now a shocking event happened earlier today, Y/N Y/L/N the girlfriend of Zach Herron from the boy band Why Don't We was taken to the hospital. Sources say she had an overdose by the cause of pain killers, she was found in her house by an unknown person and then paramedics showed up to the house 2 minutes later. Why Don't We or Zach Herron has not yet confirmed this story nor given their opinion on Y/N, all we know is that their fans the Limelights are taking this really seriously. The fans have made edits for Herrons girlfriend showing them that she is loved by every single one, no one quite knows why she overdosed but many believe it is because of hate. Y/L/N's family was notified by the hospital she is currently staying at and they will not give us any information regarding her health." You couldnt believe it that it made it to the news in less than 48 hours, you just sat there motionless and breathless "Why does the media have to get into everyone's business?" Jack said in a disappointed tone "Guys I'm so sorry, I caused this and it's all my fault. When I get out of here I'm going back to my hometown, back with my parents. You guys wont have to worry about me anymore, I'll get help." You said with tears sliding down your face "No Y/N, you're staying with us. We don't care when the news has to say and we will not tell anyone what happened until you're ready. Please just stay here with us, it'll be okay." Myta said walking over to you and hugging you, Zach was quiet he hated that you were on the news, you looked at him and he was angry "No, you're not leaving. Listen Y/N we made a promise that we'll be together forever and I'm not letting you go that easily just because our fans want us to break up doesn't mean that I want to break up, who gives a shit what the news people say too because all they want is fucking money. They have no reason to tell the whole world this because all they care about is fame and money, I dont want you to go back with your parents because like I said earlier I would never forgive myself and I'll blame it all on me because I had let an amazing girl go. Hell Y/N I wanna marry you because you make me so happy, yeah I know that we're both still young but that doesnt matter because age is just a number and nobody can take that away from us. They're just mad because we're both finally happy with each other and I am not gonna sit here looking at you in this hospital bed, I know you probably need time before you speak out but I'm gonna tell everyone that they need to show more love and less hate because hate landed you in the hospital. I wanna grow old together Y/N, I wanna have a family with you, I wanna marry you and if the haters don't want that then too fucking bad for them. I love you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N and I dont want to see you walk out of my life." Zach said now standing up and facing you with tears and hurt in his eyes. Everyone was shocked by what he said because y'all never thought about him saying stuff like this and now you're officially crying "I'm sorry Zach, I wont leave you. I know how important I am to you and if you have to then post about it on Social Media because they were gonna find out either way, I love every single one of you in here and I'm not leaving. I'm gonna get help and I will get better." You said looking at everyone who is now crying. Zach took out his phone and posted a picture of you in the bed on Instagram with the caption "Okay everyone, it's true Y/N is in the hospital and yes it was from an overdose. I found her on the floor in our house and Jack called the ambulance, guys I dont want to see my amazing girlfriend in the hospital again. For everyone who is wondering why she did this is because people were giving her hate and it got to her please dont leave hateful or hurtful stuff on her posts anymore because y'alls words hurt her so bad. I never want to see Y/N in the hospital again or I come home and she is blacked out on the floor because of another overdose, guys she means the world to me and I dont know why y'all don't approve of our relationship. She makes me so happy and if you all said that y'all would be happy if we're happy then why did y'all leave hate for Y/N? No one deserves to be treated bad, especially the people that I love. No more hate comments on her pictures or posts again and if you all dont have anything nice to say about her then dont say anything at all, she is the love of my life and I love her so much." Once he posted it everyone started to leave again then Zach checked his phone again and everyone was shocked on what he said "Some fans are happy that I spoke out and some fans are saying that you did this for attention, I'm blocking all the hate from this picture I don't wanna read them anymore." Zach said removing all the hate from that post "Zach you are the best boyfriend ever, I dont deserve you." You said fixing your IV that was giving you fluid "Baby don't say that, I don't deserve you. You're the best girlfriend I've ever had and just like in our song 8 Letters you deserve to hear those 8 Letters a thousand times." Zach said coming closer to you and giving you a passionate kiss. Zach stayed at the hospital with you and the day you got out he decorated the house in winter decor because it was about to be winter, he brought you to every event he had and even to the studio but you couldnt hear them sing because all of it was new music. You didnt let the hate get to you anymore and you stopped thinking about it, now you and Zach are 7 months strong and the media has stopped getting into y'alls business.

  Hey loves I know this imagine was a touchy topic but I just want you know that if you ever feel like you're alone or you just need someone to talk to, you can always come to me and I will happily help you. Just know that suicide is NEVER the answer and if you want to talk to someone more professional about suicide. The suicide hotline number is 1-800-273-8255 because you matter to everyone even if you dont think so, we love you so much. Thank you for reading this and if you need me I'm always here for you.💙💙💙

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