Zach Imagine

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You've been wanting to do a cute couple Halloween outfit thing with Zach ever since y'all got together and now that it's finally October you and him can be those cute Tumblr couples which people compare you and him to, you were in your room looking at Pinterest so you can get ideas for y'alls costumes until your door creeked open and it was Zach with food "Hey baby, I bought us Taco Bell and Chipotle. What are you doing?" He said setting down you drink and his drink on the table next to your bed "I'm looking for Halloween costumes for us, I thought it would be cute if we dressed up together and take Ryan and Reese Trick-Or-Treating." You said sitting up on the bed "Babe, I was thinking the same thing on the way back. I'm totally down for this." He said kissing your head and giving you your food. You and him went to YouTube to watch videos to try and get inspiration for costumes which didn't work out because some were weird and some were impossible to find, y'all tried texting friends to see what they say but some didnt know because they didn't know what we both like. "This is impossible babe." You said in a sad voice knowing that you gave up "Hey no baby look at me, we're gonna find one that we both love. It may take time but we got this because we both want this to happen." He said raising your head with his finger and kissing your lips. You both went to Party City and looked under the couple category which lead to either sexy outfits or flat out weird outfits until you went to Pinterest and found one, it was Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse "Babe, we can do this." You showed Zach your phone and his face lit up "This is so cute, we should do it." He said taking a picture of it on his phone, you two ended up making a list of what to get and the next day y'all went to Party City. "This years Halloween is gone be bomb." Zach said grabbing a shopping cart "Yes it is." You said running around the isles, y'all ended up getting things for your house for decoration which was some Spider Webs, Fake Bats, Silly String, Skeleton bones, and much more until y'all found the costumes and you immediately found a Minnie Mouse costume, it took a good 10 minutes to find a Mickey Mouse costume for Zach but y'all successfully found it. You two ended up getting bags for candy since y'all would be trick or treating too, later on that day you brought Reese and Ryan to help them buy their costumes, Ryan was a Ninja and Reese was Cinderella. Not gonna lie it was so much fun because you remembered how fun it was dressing up with your older siblings and going out together, here in Texas it was so much fun but also cold because it was turning into December so y'all got coats that clashed with the costumes.
Halloween Day
Today you had school and surprisingly they had let you guys dress up in y'alls costumes to show off, you woke up at 6:20 and curled your hair and did you makeup while Zach woke up at 6:30 to shower and get into his costume. You helped Reese by putting her hair into a bun and helped with her makeup along with your makeup, Myta helped Ryan get into his costume and then you got into your costume then Zach. You walked downstairs into the kitchen to put your Minnie ears on and Zach came down the stairs "Oh my Zach, you look so cute." Myta said giving him a kiss on the cheek "I think your Minnie is waiting for you." She said pointing to the kitchen, he walked in and whistled "Damn, look at my Minnie. Can't believe she is mine." Your turned around and he was smiling so big "Damn, look at my Mickey. Can't believe he is mine." You said walking towards him "Thank you Zach and Y/N for helping us with our costumes and taking us trick or treating tonight." Ryan and Reese both said at the same time going to y'all and giving y'all hugs "No problem loves, we can't wait for tonight." You said putting on your backpack. Myta took pictures outside since y'all decides to decorate the outside to make it look scary which it was but at the same time it wasnt because the smoke machine wasn't on and the purple lights were off, school was a success and you and Zach got named cutest costume matching couple which ended y'all picture being in the Yearbook. 8:15 PM came around and y'all were off to get candy with Reese and Ryan who were named Awesomest sibling costumes, the 4 of y'all ended up staying out till 11:15 PM and ended up with 6 bags totally full of Candy.

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