Jack Imagine - I Think I Wanna Marry You

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Today you were getting ready for a WDW concert and you didn't know what was coming towards you, today Jack was going to ask you to marry him since you turned 18 years old it is legal to now marry. The both of you guys have talked about getting married a million time but you thought that it would never happen because you guys really didnt know if it was gonna happen or not, but now he thinks that it's a perfect time to ask. Y'all have been dating for 2 years and throughout those 2 years he would treat you like a princess, he is legit the best boyfriend you've ever had and you're the best girlfriend he's ever had.
I was doing my makeup when my phone went off, it was a call from Jack and you answered quickly "Hey babe." You said putting the phone on speaker "Hey love, when you get to tge venue go to the front and show them your pass. They have a picture of you and they're gonna let you in and Tyler would be there waiting for you with Eben." Jack said while I was doing my eyebrows "Okay, so I go to the front and show them my pass then I'm in." You said clearing up the brow bone, we were talking about where I was gonna sit/stand and if I would like to be with the boys during Limelight and I said sure. You finished with your makeup and you decided to get food before the show so you drove to Subway and got yourself a sandwich while eating you drove to the venue and blasting Today's Hits and 4 Why Dont We songs came on, when you got to the venue you went to the gate and Tyler and Eben were there looking at the set list and then took you backstage where the boys were, once you got into the room you were surrounded by hugs and welcomes Jack hugged you and he picked you up "I am happy you're here baby." He said kissing your temple "I can't wait to get hyped baby, you better go hard." You said as he set you on the floor "You know it." He said kissing your nose. Tyler lead you to the seats and you were outside the barricade but in front row and you were talking with some Limelights and took pictures with them, the show was about to start and Eben came out and sang his songs which you loved because he made dope music. Your favorite song from his is Sideways so when he sang that song you obviously sang along and jammed out, the boys were already to get on stage and their into started which was so cool just looking at them and then the purple lightning happened and you already knew Air of The Night was gonna happen, you gave bottles of water to fans so they wont pass out and you faces forward and started to sing along to Corbyn and then Jack started his part and you sang along. The whole concert was so amazing you sang along and danced with the fans which was so much because the dance moves y'all did was so crazy they even let you take part of their project they planned for the boys when they sang Free, Tyler came and took you backstage because he said that Jack wanted you there when the concert was over. You walked to the back and you noticed that Jacks mom and sisters were there along with your family which took you by surprise "Hey guys, what're y'all doing here?" You said hugging your mom "Jack flew us out here because he wanted us to see the concert." Your brother said giving you a hug, you helped Jack change from his tuxedo and you had fixed his hair and had put it into a man bun "Go kill it baby." You said to him and he pecked your lips, he was nervous on what he was about to do which was to ask you to marry him. The boys went on stage again and sang Talk, Hooked and All of My Love as usual you were dancing because they were fire, the into music to 8 Letters was starting to play but Jack was going to say something "Okay guys, I'm gonna bring a special person out here for y'all. She is the love of my live and she makes me so happy, now here's my amazing girlfriend Y/N." Jack said motioning you to go to the stage, you were so nervous because you didn't know what was happening but you walked to the stage and all the boys stepped back and started filming on their phones and Zach was filming on Jacks phone too "Hey baby girl, I know this is a little weird for you because you've never been in front of millions of people but I've been wanting to do this for so long. We've been dating for 1 year and 6 months now and let me tell you I've been nothing but happy with you, I am so blessed that I get to call you mine and that I have you in my life. My family loves you and I'm sure your family loves me too just kidding they love me too, when I'm with you my world is so much brighter and you just mean the whole world to me baby girl, would you make me even happier if you would say yes to being Mrs. Avery and marry me?" Jack said getting down on one knee and pulling out a velvet box and opening it to reveal an engagement ring.

By this time you were already in tears and you couldn't talk, the whole crowd was chanting YES and Jack was in tears too, you nodded you head yes and he took the ring from the box and placing it on your ring finger

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By this time you were already in tears and you couldn't talk, the whole crowd was chanting YES and Jack was in tears too, you nodded you head yes and he took the ring from the box and placing it on your ring finger. The boys were so happy too "She said yes!!!!!" Jonah said into his microphone, Jack got up and hugged you tight and kissed your lips which sent chills down your spine. You were so happy that you're marrying your best friend you couldn't help but cry some more, you went to the back to meet with your family and his family and you hugged Sydnie and Ava who were in tears as well "I can't believe my baby is gonna get married." Your mom said hugging you. Tyler moved y'all back to the front row and the boys were getting ready to perform 8 Letters which was your go to song, Jack was looking at you and smiling at the fact that he gets to marry you and spend the rest of his life with you, the music started and the lights went down the whole venue was filled with lights from phones and your family and Jacks family turned on y'alls flashlights too. This was the best night you've ever had and the concert was the best one ever, when you and Jack went home y'alls Twitter and Instagram were going crazy with congratulations from fans, friends, and Family. Not only this make you happy it made Jack super happy because the fans love you and accept that fact that you two are getting married, he made your life so much better. That night you slept peacefully in his arms thinking that you'll be with him forever.

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