Corbyn Imagine - Road Trip

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For about 5 months you and Corbyn have been wanting to go on a road trip around the States and you couldn't wait because now you can, you were packing the bags into the van that your parents let you guys borrow and you felt hands lace around your waist "Hey baby, are you ready to have the best road trip of your life?" Corbyn said placing soft kisses on your head "I can't wait, it's gonna be so much fun. The new places, the food, the sunrises and sunsets. I love how we're going on this trip." You said turning around and giving him the biggest hug. You went inside your shared house to grab the last few of the bags and locked up then ran to the van which has started because of Bean, he got off and opened the door for you once you sat down he decided to buckle you up "Safty first baby, I can't let anything happen to you." Corbyn said giggling which made you laugh, he closed your door and you took the Aux cord and plugged in your music and you played 'Love Lies' by Khalid and Normani. Corbyn got in and y'all were off but y'all stopped behind a building outside of a small town because behind the building was a gate full of locks and those locks are from couples so you and Corbyn decided to place a lock there "Ready babe?" Corbyn said moving you to the front of him so now you're facing the gate and he's behind you "Yeah." You said. He took the lock and placed it where everyone could see it and you took the key and locked it so no one could take it "It looks amazing Corbyn, I can't believe we put on here." You said jumping around and jumping into his arms "I'm happy we put one love, we're gonna be together forever." Corbyn said picking you up and leaving wet kisses on yoir cheek. He let you down and you both went back to the car and started driving to Orlando, Florida "Hey babe, guess what we're gonna be doing for 2 days in Orlando." Corbyn said turning on the windshield wipers on because it started to rain "Um let's see, maybe beach one day and sightseeing the last day?" You said looking up from your phone "Nope, let me give you a guess these 2 places are your favorite places besides my arms." He said not taking his eyes off the road "Um, okay so it's not shopping, it's not college searching, it's not sightseeing. My last guesses are day 1 is Disney World and day 2 is Universal Studios Orlando." You said while turning to Corbyn and he had the biggest smile on his face "Yup, baby you got it right." He said while placing his hand on your thigh, you got so excited because you've been wanting to go since you were a little girl. You both drove for 10 hours before finally arrived to Orlando and you fell asleep in the car, once y'all pulled up to the hotel parking lot Corbyn decided to wake you up "Hey baby, we're here. It's time to wake up, get up baby girl, let's go into the hotel now." Corbyn said unbuckling your seatbelt and lightly moving your shoulders to wake you up, you opened your eyes to see Corbyn standing over you "I can't wait for these 2 days." Corbyn said getting close to you and he pecked your lips "Me too, it's gonna be really magical with you." You said looking into Corbyns eyes. I swear this boy means the world to you and you really didn't know what to do without him, everything about him just made you so happy. It's like when he stepped into your life he made sure that you're his number one priority every single day, he treats you like a princess and he would never do anything that'll hurt you. He even asked your parents if he has their blessing and he said that he wouldnt make you do something you didn't want to do for example sex, if you didnt want sex he wouldnt force you to have it if you weren't ready and he wouldnt tempt you to do it either, he even asked you permission to give you a kiss. The 2 days was amazing with Corbyn, you guys went on all the rides at Disneyland and you guys bought matching couple shirts that y'all wore at Universal Studios, over there you guys went to ever place and had the best day ever you guys even went to the Walking Dead thing and he went first because he knew you didn't like scary stuff, he even took your picture with Hello Kitty because he knew she was your favorite ever. The rest of the trip was amazing, not only did you guys took a lot of pictures you both even went to Houston, Texas and took a tour of NASA which was so awesome because Corbyn loves Space and he had so much fun teaching you a lot of things about the planets, he even wants to visit Mars one day and take you with him. Let's just say the whole road trip was all worth the wait.

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