Chapter 6

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Rilynn's POV
It's been a few months since the incident. I gained most of the strength back in my legs. Colby and I have grown closer. We were pretty much inseparable. We have this bond. Both of us have gotten way better. Today we have family visitations. I have been dreading seeing my family. Colby told me that his family hadn't been in to see him in a year. I felt terrible. Nurse Terry brought me a dress so I could look nice while seeing my family. It was a simple white dress that showed my figure off. She helped me by fixing my hair to be less crazy. I can't remember the last time I wore nice clothes or even brushed my hair. I slowly walked out of my room. I saw everybody else wearing nice clothes. I saw  Sam and Colby. I sped up so I could join them while walking to the activity hall. Colby was wearing jeans with a black button up shirt. He had his normal black beanie on his head. Sam was the same thing except his shirt was white and he doesn't wear beanies. I could see that they were both nervous. I squeezed between them and grabbed their arms pulling us to a stop.

"Hey. You both have nothing to worry about. Whatever happens in there will be okay. We got each other okay?" I looked at both of the boys and gave them small smiles. "You both look nice" I giggled as I pulled them into a group hug. We soon let go.

"You ready?" Colby said to me and grabbed my hand. I nodded and smiled at him. We stepped into the room. I looked around. I saw Abby and Julie with their families. They looked so happy. I scanned the room noticing a couple I hadn't seen before. My eyes stopped when I had seen my parents, brothers and little sister. I made eye contact with my mom. I felt my eyes begin to sting. I ran to her. I embraced my parents. "I missed you so much." My mom hugged me tighter. I let go and looked at them. "I'm so sorry. I just want you guys to know that I love you. I never meant those awful things I did or said." My voice cracked as I apologized to them. My dad whipped the tears from my cheek. We sat and talked. I saw Sam sitting with the unfamiliar couple. I then noticed Colby. He stood by the window.

"Would you excuse me for a second?" I got up and made my way to him.

"They didn't come." He turned to me. I could tell he had been crying. "I knew they wouldn't. I just had a little hope that maybe they still cared. I wanted them to care."

He leaned against the wall. Slowly he slid down. I knelt down next to him. The tears began to flow. I had never seen a person break so hard before. I grabbed him. I put his head on my chest and let him cry. I put my hands on either side of his face forcing him to look at me. "It's going to be okay. You have me." I reassured him. I wiped a few tears away. I continued to hold him. I never understood why Colby was angry with the world but now I did. I knew that he wanted someone to care for him. That's all anybody wants. Colby just never got that.

I let go of him and got up off of the ground. I extended my hand out. "Come on. There's some people I want you to meet." He carefully took my hand. We walked back to the table. "Mom. Dad. This is Colby. He is my best friend. Sadly Colby's family didn't make it today. Would you mind if he hung out with us?" I asked.  My brothers exchanged looks as if they were speaking telepathically. They both looked at me. River kinda just looked annoyed.

"Of course he can sit with us." My mom finally said. I smiled and sat down with Colby by my side. "How'd you two meet?" My mom continued to talk to Colby.

"Well to be honest, we hated each other when Rilynn first came-" Colby told the story of how we became friends. He was completely engaged in the conversation. I took this chance to catch up with my brothers.

"So boys, how is school? Are you getting good grades? Met any girls?" I wiggles my eyebrows at them. We all laughed at the thought.

"School is good. My science grades are getting better and better. Mom thinks I need to put my big brain to good use." Myles answered me.

"It's alright. Me and Mariana got back together. We're really good now. I was nervous when I started school because you weren't there to help me through my first day of high school. Other than that, my grades are good and football is great." River gave me a half smile as he explained.

"Well I'm glad y'all are doing good. I want the best for you guys. Don't worry I will be home to annoy you soon." I winked at them. I looked at Addyson who sat beside me. She was just cuddling my arm. She doesn't talk much. I turned my attention back to my parents. They were carrying on a conversation with Colby about why he was here.

"-brought me here when I was 16 because my temper got a little out of control. They diagnosed is as bipolar depression. Been here ever since." Colby explained.

"Dude. I have anger issues too. Mainly because Myles and Addyson piss me off. They are so goddamn annoying sometimes." River complained about our younger siblings.

"Hey! Watch your mouth." Dad scolded him. I laughed and looked back to Colby. He was smiling. I haven't seen him happy in months. I'm glad that my family brought happiness back into his life.

"Yeah. I get it. I have a younger brother, Gage. We had an altercation that got out of hand on my part. Which is why my parents brought me here. You're sister helps a lot. Before I met her, I had gotten in quite a bit of trouble around here. Haven't had an incident since." Colby looked at me and smiled.

"She's pretty awesome. I never understood why she was so sad and tried to take her own life multiple times. She-" I reached over and placed my hand on River's mouth. I never told Colby that I tried to kill myself. I didn't want to burden him with my problems. I looked at Colby and he just looked a little confused. I carefully removed my hand from River's face. "Thank god! Your hands smell like ass." We all laughed at his comment.

Today was a great day. I had an amazing time with Colby and my family. Addyson even warmed up to him and spent most of the day sitting in his lap. I was happy I got the chance to spend time with them. I was sad when they had to leave. I missed them. I missed home. It only made me realize how much I hated being locked up in this hell hole.

A/N- Long chapter today! I'm trying to get into the grove of writing long ones like this.

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