Chapter 8

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Rilynn's POV
I woke up to a lot of noise outside of my room. There was a sudden bang on my door.

"Up and at 'em!" A scary looking man walked into my room. He handed me my medicine and escorted me out of the room. Where was Nurse Terry? Something weird is happening here.

I didn't see the boys until I got to breakfast. They looked just as confused as I did. They sat at one end of the table. Julia and Abby sitting at the other end. I went to walk down and sit with the boys.

"Not so fast." Another man stepped in front of me. "Girls on this side." What the hell?

"Why? I want to sit with my friends." I said with the slightest attitude.

"Are you giving me attitude?" He stepped closer to me. "Little girls who give attitude get punishment. Step out of line again and you will be in trouble." He slightly shoved me to sit next to the other girls. I looked down the table at Sam and Colby. Colby looked angry. I looked at Sam and decided to try and figure out what was happening. I simply mouthed 'Who are these people?'. He shook his head. I looked back down at my plate and slowly finished my food. "Alright. Now that everyone is done eating. There are new rules being set around here. First things first, boys and girls are no longer allowed to be in contact. We are moving the girls to different rooms away from the boys. You are not to talk, touch or even look at each other. Anyone who does will be put in isolation. Second, we are changing your daily activities. No more fun. There will be an announcement telling you when you can come out if your rooms to eat and then you get an hour of free time each night. This meaning no locks on rooms unless one of us locks you in. You have to appear at all meals and free time. Third, we are not bringing you your medication anymore. There is a doctor who will call you to his office to examine you. Lastly, do not step out of line. If you choose to disobey orders in any way, you will be punished." What the hell is happening? Why are they doing this? I slowly raised my hand. The man looked at me.

"Did we do something wrong? Why is this happening?" I asked. You could hear the fear in my voice. He stepped closer to me.

"This hospital is holding one of the most dangerous people in the country. Things have to change or he never will." He voice echoed as he pointed down at Colby. Colby isn't dangerous. He's possibly the kindest person I have ever met. Colby's eyes were filled with anger. There's was nothing I could do to help him. I couldn't go to him and hug him. This is terrible. I looked back at the man. Before I knew it, Colby was beating his face in. He threw punch after punch. More men came and tried to pull Colby off. He didn't budge. I watched as a tall man with a lab coat came in and tased him.

"Colby!!" I screamed. I tried to get to him. I watched his body twitch as they dragged him down the dark hall way. My legs felt weak. This place is sick. We have to get out of here. I needed Colby by my side now more than ever. I felt the tears start streaming down my face. This is a nightmare.

A/N- this chapter is really short but things are about to get crazy sooooo stay tuned;)

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