Chapter 7

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Colby's POV
~visitation day~
I buttoned the shirt that Nurse Terry gave me. I didn't want to go. I knew that my parents wouldn't show. They never do. I put my beanie on and walked out of my room. I slowly started walking to the activity hall. Sam caught up to me finally and did the same pace. Neither of us wanted to see our families. I heard the small tapping of someone running. I stopped with Sam and looked behind us. Rilynn. She wore a white dress with black shoes. Her hair wasn't in it's usually matted tangles. It was wavy and looked more out together. She smiled at me and Sam. We all continued walking. The familiar room was coming up fast. I could feel the knots in my stomach begin to twist. Creating more and more knots. Rilynn stopped in her tracks. She pulled Sam and I back to her.

"Hey. You both have nothing to worry about. Whatever happens in there will be okay. We got each other okay?" She comforted Sam and I. Rilynn has to be the most caring person I had ever met in my life. "You both look nice" She giggled. Her small laugh was so cute. She then pulled us into a group hug. I never like the touch of people. But Rilynn was different. It was like when she was around she made all my small issues disappear.I pulled back from the hug and looked at the doorway. I grabbed Rilynn's hand hopping to calm my nerves.

"You ready?" I looked at her. She smiled and nodded. We slowly entered the room. I watched Rilynn as she examined her surroundings. I felt her hand slip away as she ran away from me. It hurt a little. I checked my surroundings. I saw the families that came to see their kids. One was always missing. Mine.

I walked over to the window. Just staring outside. That's where I wish I was right now. Climbing a tree or even just sitting out enjoying the scenery. I felt my eyes begin to sting. No. Colby, don't cry. I brushed away the feeling. I heard the familiar pitter patter of Rilynn's shoes walking towards me. When the noise stopped, I knew she was here.

"They didn't come." I turned to face her. I locked into her all so familiar hazel eyes. "I knew they wouldn't. I just had a little hope that maybe they still cared. I wanted them to care." My voice was starting to become shaky. I leaned against the wall. Slowly sliding down until I hit the cold floor. My heart hurt. I missed my family. I hated admitting that but I do. I just miss my normal life. I felt Rilynn slide down the wall beside me. That's when I began to cry. I just let go. I had never done this but she was the only person that made me feel human again. I couldn't help but to just cry at this point. I felt her warm hands pull me close to her. I leaned against her chest and cried. I felt at home when I was with Rilynn. Her and Sam were the only people left to car about me. Rilynn put her hand on my face. Forcing me to make eye contact. Her hazel eyes that I always found myself getting so lost in.

"It's going to be okay. You have me." Her voice was quiet. She carefully wiped away my remaining tears before pulling me back to her chest. We stayed like that for a few minutes before she stood up. She held her hand out to me. "Come on. There's some people I want you to meet." I cautiously put my hand in hers. She pulled me to the table where I saw a family sitting. A man and women who had 3 kids sitting by their sides. 2 boys and a little girl. "Mom. Dad. This is Colby. He is my best friend. Sadly Colby's family didn't make it today. Would you mind if he hung out with us?" I looked at Rilynn with a little confusion. Why was she doing this?

"Of course he can sit with us." I heard the women say. I looked back at her and gave a half smile before Rilynn pulled me down on the seat next to her. "How did you two meet?" The women, I'm assuming is Rilynn's mother, asked me directly.

I chuckled a little. "Well to be honest, we hated each other when Rilynn first came in. She sat alone and looked upset. She wasn't eating so I explained that they would give her a feeding tube if she didn't eat the awful food they serve here. I sat with her and she finally talked to me. I noticed the bandages on her arms and asked about them. She got mad and walked off. For a few days, she just hated me." I looked down at the table and frowned at the thought. "Well eventually, I had an outburst on another patient here. Usually the nurses don't step in but Rilynn did. She saved Abby from me. It was so brave. I was taken back because everybody here is afraid of me. I can understand why. I'm a monster. I threw a 13 year old girl on the floor. They eventually locked me in the soft room to keep me from hurting anyone or myself. When I came back, Rilynn talked to me. She knew that I was hurting and she helped me. We've been friends ever since." I glanced over at Rilynn as she was talking to the two boys. I smiled at her. She was so beautiful and caring. I looked back at her parents. They gave me sympathetic looks. Her mom reached out and touched my arm.

"So why did your family bring you here? I see you have quite the temper but that doesn't mean that you need to be here." Her dad continued the conversation.

"Well they brought me here when I was 16 because my temper got a little out of control. They diagnosed me with bipolar depression. Been here since." I explained.

"Dude. I have anger issues too. Mainly because Myles and Addyson piss me off. They are so goddamn annoying sometimes." The older of the two boys looked at me.

"Hey! Watch your mouth." Rilynn's dad got onto him. I laughed a little. I haven't felt apart of anything in a long time. I'd be lying if I didn't find happiness in talking to these people.

"Yeah. I get it. I have a younger brother, Gage. We had an altercation that got out of hand on my part. Which is why my parents brought me here. Your sister helps a lot. Before I met her, I had gotten in quite a bit of trouble around here. Haven't had an incident since." I smiled at the younger boy. Then looked to Rilynn and smiled at the thought of her.

"Yeah. She's pretty awesome. I never understood why she was so sad and tried to take her own life multiple times. She-" He was stopped when Rilynn's hand flew over his mouth. Tried to end her life? I looked to Rilynn. She was so beautiful and gentle. I could never imagine why she wouldn't want to be alive. Rilynn carefully took her hand off of his face. "Thank god. Your hands smell like ass." I laughed. He was quite the character. Someone is certainly hang out with and want to be around.

Our conversations had been amazing. Everyone introduced their selves. I found that Rilynn had 3 younger siblings. River being 15, Myles is 13 and Addyson is 8. They were all super nice. Mr. and Mrs. Winters had raised them all to be amazing people. They told me stories of Rilynn and River when they were younger. It felt amazing to be happy and surrounded by such loving people. I was locked into the story River was telling when I felt someone tap my arm. I turned around and faced Addyson. She hadn't talked much. She mainly just cling to Rilynn's arm the entire time. I got down beside her to reach her height. I stuck my hand out and smiled. "Hi. I'm Colby." She grabbed my hand and lightly shook it. She was so small and gentle. She gave me a smile.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She said quietly so nobody could hear. I smiled and nodded. I leaned my head closer to her. She cupped her hands around my ear. "Rilynn has a crush on you." I pulled back to face her. She smiled at me.

"Oh yeah. How do you know that?" I playfully asked her.

"Because her hands are wet. Her hands get wet when she's nervous. You make her nervous." She explained to me. For being only 8, she was so smart.

"I like her too." I have Addyson a smile before carefully getting back in my seat. Addyson carefully climbed in my lap. I was enjoying everything. Today was one of the best days I've had in years.

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