Chapter 11

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Colby's POV
Rilynn's plan was full proof. There was no way that it wouldn't work. She had explain to me that we had to get into so much trouble and get punished to our breaking points. Everything else was up to River. All he's has to do is make a trip to the police department and convince them to search this place. This is going to be painful but I'll do anything to be out of this place.

Rilynn's POV
I've been sitting in my room trying to think of ways to get in trouble but nothing came to mind. I want this plan to work. I don't want to be here anymore. It's sketchy.

I heard my door screams against the floor. My head shooting up to see Colby smiling back at me.

"What the hell are you doing? If you get caught here, you'll get in so much trou- Ohhh!" He's so clever.

Colby and I talked for hours. We've been laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Our conversation had died down about 20 minutes ago. I felt my eyes get heavy. I turned my body to where I faced my back towards Colby. I was almost asleep when I felt his arm around my waist. He carefully scooted closer. Almost as if he was trying not to wake me up.

"Goodnight beautiful." His voice was soft. I felt his lips kiss my shoulder. He's so sweet. It's hard not to fall for him. He's so fragile. It scares me to get close to him. He's only experienced heart break. I couldn't understand how a person who is so genuine could be bad.

~The Next Morning~
"What the hell is going on in here?" The sound of a male voice echoed throughout my room. I sat up and saw a guard just staring at me waiting for my response. I looked down at Colby who was still sound asleep. I smiled to myself.

"I made him stay with me so I could pleasure him. He's been very stressed lately." I smirked as I rubbed my hand softly on Colby arm. I then felt myself being lifted from the bed. My body being slammed against the concrete wall.

"I thought I told you to follow the rules?!" He yelled in my face.

"What rules?" I smirked at him. "I was just helping Colby."

"Helping me with what?" I heard him say from the bed. The guards head snapped to him.

"And you! I told you to stay away from the girls rooms! You are too dangerous for them!" The guard screamed in his face.

"We were just having some fun. I'm surprised you didn't hear Rilynn screaming my name last night." Colby looked at me and winked as he finally caught onto my comment. The guard then yanked Colby up by his arm and pulled him out of my room and down the hall. I burst into laughter. It hurt my lungs to laugh but I did it anyways. This plan is going to work. Hopefully in a few days, I will finally be home in my bed.

I carried on throughout my day wondering how bad things got for Colby. I'm scared for his safety. He has this hold on me. I can't let go of him. Ever. I'm falling so hard for this boy and he doesn't even know it. I'm waiting for the right time. I just don't think that I should confess my love for someone while we're planning an escape from a mental asylum.

~Earlier that day~
River's POV
Rilynn has told me to wait a couple of days before going to the police station. I decided that I had to tell someone what was going on. I obviously can't tell my parents. They would think I'm just trying to help feed into Rilynn's illness. I went to my next resort, Myles. If anyone was going to understand. It would be him.

I got off the couch that sat in our living room and jogged up the stairs. I could hear Addison playing in her room. I walked past the purple colored room and watched as she made her dolls ride the toy horses. I stopped in my tracks and peered into the room right across the hall from Addison's room. The white walls made the room feel so empty. I slowly entered the room and looked around. The Christmas lights dangling from the ceiling twinkled. The comforter still ruffled from the last time she slept here. Her laptop opened as if she had been up all night working on a college essay. I eased down onto the bed. I took in every little detail about her room. I miss her being here. Everything is so dull. Rilynn may suffer from severe depression but she somehow knew exactly how to make a room light up when she walked in. I looked at the desk that sat next to her bed. A picture laid on the desk. I picked it up and just admired the beauty.

 I picked it up and just admired the beauty

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My sisters are so beautiful. You never really appreciate the people in your life until they are almost gone. I felt a tear slip from my eyes. I quickly whipped it away and placed the photo back on the desk. River, stop being emotional you have a mission. I took one last look before leaving and going down the hall to Myles' room.

I knocked softly on the door. "Come in!" I heard from inside. I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Hey. What's up?" He said to me.

"I have something to tell you but you have to promise not to tell mom or dad." I looked him in the eye and watched his face fall a little. That quickly changed when I saw a smirk appear on his face.

"Since when do we tell them anything?" I laughed at his response.

"Good point." I walked over to the bed and sat down. "Anyways, I talked to Rilynn the other day."

"And? How is she?"

"She's okay. I mean as good as she can get I guess." I kept my short answers.

"River, what is going on? Is she hurt?"

"No! Well maybe now but for a good reason." He gave me a dirty look.

"What do you mean? Is Rilynn hurt? Should we tell mo-"

"No!" I cut him off. "She's fine. She actually said they got new management at the hospital but not in a good way. They are insane. They have all the patients put in rooms all day and made the girls move hallways." I paused for a minute. "She doesn't need to be in there anymore. Things are getting bad dude. She told me they have been punishing people for stupid shit. I didn't know what to do at first but I came up with a plan." He stared at me waiting for me to tell him.

"Well what is it?" He said with the slightest bit of attitude.

"Rilynn and Colby are going to cause trouble and get themselves hurt while I convince the police to search the hospital and hopefully get in shut down when they find all the markings from the punishments." I blurted out.


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