Chapter 2

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"oh crap, oh, crap, oh crap, we are going to die."

"Shut up we are not going to die."

"Ouch! your stepping on my foot!"

"Sorry sorry sorry I didn't mean to."

"Hey Maddy why don't you come closer to me I could protect you."

"Not even If there were millions of zombies out there Kyle."

"Will you guys shut up!?"

"Sorry Ash I cant help it, I hate to see a girl upset."

"But I'm not eve-"

"Shh Ash is right guys, do you want it to find us?"

"No." they all whispered.

"Then shush." said Ash quietly as the zombie slowly walked towards the corner they were hiding behind.

They all stood there quietly, hiding in a large sewer pipe that was barred off at the end as the moans of the zombie became louder, its footsteps slapping against the pavement next to the railway near the entrance to the subway.

One of the teens, Kyle, shivered. "Guys I could take it, I have this knife that I got from my grandma that can slice through any thi-"

"Lily I have some ductape in my pocket, could you use it on Kyle?" said Ash looking around the corner, keeping his eye on the zombie, Who was banging his head against the wall over and over again.

Lily, Ashes sister, looked back at Kyle and grinned evily.

Kyle looked wide-eyed back at her. "Um actually I'll just shut up now."

"Did you mean this knife?" said Tinsley, a thirteen year old girl with multicolored hair, (right now purple and neon green) who was also grinning, she then pulled a swiss army knife out of pocket and waved it around in Kyles face.

"Yeah that could totally take out a zombie." said Lily laughing, earning another shush from Ash.

Kyle tried to get his knife back but Tinsley quickly put it back in her pocket and stuck her tongue out at him. Kyle then closed his eyes and sighed then faked a yawn, deciding to ignore Tinsley completely and try getting Maddys attention.

"I actually didn't want to fight a zombie today anyway, cause, you know, I'm so sore after working out this morning."

Maddy snorted without looking back keeping her eyes focused on Ash. "Kyle, We,ve been forced together for acouple months now and I havnt seen you work out once. You eat like theres no tomorrow, i dont know how you manage to stay so thin, and, you sleep all the time so you can't possibly be tired now."

"Shh!!" Ash said again.

"Well I used to workout before this zombie stuff haapened." Kyle muttered.

"I doubt it." Maddy said.

"Guys Ash said shush." said Lily turning around to face them, putting a finger to her lips.

Everyone jumped as the zombie roared and fell down onto the tracks then got up and started hitting his head against the rail.

"Y-You don't t-think he's gonna come over here do ya?" asked another one of the teens.

"See look, Jonas is fatter than I am and he does push ups everyday so that obiously doesn't help." said Kyle grinning evily.

"Ah ain't fat t-this is what you call one h-hundred p-percent muscle little buddy an ahd be h-happy to demonstraight how I could use all of them to b-beat you ta a pulp." said Jonas sneering at Kyle.

Jonas was the type of boy they would've called a giant in school. Standing over six feet tall and weighing the same as about three Kyles and no one had ever made fun of his stuttering, and he could have easily done what he said he'd just do, but those who knew him well enough, knew, he wouldn't hurt a fly. The only ones who knew this though were: Ash, who had been his friend since they were little kids, Lily who had met him through Ash, as well as Maddy, Tinsley and little Phoenix, his parents, and, unforunatly, Kyle, who had teased him enough times that he figured whatever should have happened, like him dying or losing a limb, would have happened already.

"That's what  they all say my abnormaly large stuttering friend." laughed Kyle.

"I-I-I'm NOT FAT! and I'm tired of you picking on-"

The zombie stopped hitting his head on the rail and looked around.

"oh crap." Ash whispered and planted himself flat against the slimy green wall and everyone did the same.

The zombie stood there for a second, listening, then slowly crawled out of the rail way onto the side that the children were on and took a step toward their hiding spot.

"G-G-God please don't let us go like this j-j-justt t cause I was to loud." whispered Jonas.

"Yes God he's to fat to die." Whispered Kyle.

"Ah freakin told y-you I'm not fa-"

"Guys! Shut up!"  Said Lily Interupting quietly.

The zombie continued to walk toward the dark end of the tunnel, growling with drool sliding down its chin and ploping onto the floor.

"This is like some scene from Aliens." whispered Kyle grinning.

"Shut up." Whispered Maddy.

The zombies face was all torn up so you could only see the bleeding muscles on its face and its teeth, which some it had lost baging its head on the railway. The rest of its body seemed untouched, with only a few blood spots here and there, but other than that you could say he looked like a pretty normal human being...with his face ripped off and one eye hanging out of its socket...but other than that...

The zombie continued to approach the hiding spot getting closer and closer and closer, its moans getting louder.

"Crap crap crap crap crap." Whispered Ash closing his eyes and getting in front of the group, pushing them further back.

They all stared wide-eyed as the zombie walked around the corner into view, Its eye finaly giving up and breaking its connectiong from its host and falling to the floor.

They all stood there awkwardly looking at one and another, The zombie looking at them with its singular eye.

"Oh Shi-" started Kyle

Then the zombie opened its mouth and pounced, and all the children screamed.

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