Chapter 8

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"Ash hold on I can't wun dat fast" said Phoenix running as fast as he could trying to catch up.

"Come on Phoenix you can make it, we gotta run." said Ash grabbing a hold of his arm, pulling him forward.

The group ran along the inside of the sewer pipes as the nasty bubbling water floated by beneath them.

"Just a little further guys then we will be outta here." said David peeking around the corner then lead everyone ahead "careful here, there's a crack you'll have to jump over."

Suddenly There was a loud screech that seemed to ricochet off the walls and David suddenly froze and the group did the same.

"What is it?" Whispered Lily quietly

David put his fingers to his lips signaling for her to stay quiet.

There was a sound of foot steps as three figures ran past the tube, then there was nothing.

David waited for a few second and when nothing happened he let out a breath of air.

"Why did we have to go all quiet? What were those things?" Lily asked Jonas

Jonas shrugged but looking worried. "Prolly just some Jockeys"

"Come on just a little further then you guys will be safe." said David.

David led them ahead a little further, In the tunnels they had not seen a single zombie. Except for their encounter with the mysterious figures that had ran past.

"Where are we going anyway?" said Tinsley kicking a rock.

"There should be an outlet up ahead; it was used for the storm drains, so that extra water could just flow out. But now its something that you guys could escape out of" said David not looking back.

“How did you know this was here?” said Lily

David smiled “I used to be a sewer cleaner before I became a janitor at your school”

“Oh,” she said “Did you quit or were you fired?”

“I quit” he said.


They walked on silently.

They all walked along silently as the Water flowed beneath them slapping against the pavement walls. Finally after what seemed like and hour or two David stopped in front of a concrete wall.

"We're here" he said.

"We are where?" said Ash confused.

David pointed to a large medium sized pipe that was sticking out off the wall that had water trickling out of it. Underneath the pipe was a platform.

"The waters pretty cold since the melting snow out side, but it should be fine, hopefully I'll come back before your toes get frost bite" he said smiling slightly.

"Where are you going?" said Kyle frowning 

David’s smile turned into a sad one "I have to go back and see...make sure that the others are safe"

Ash stepped up and Put his hand out and smiled slightly "Well hurry back, we will be waiting for you"

David’s smile returned and he took Ashes hand and shook it. "I'll be, all of you have grown up so much these past couple of months"

Maddy smiled  "And we'll keep growing, all of us together"

David laughed and nodded.

Suddenly there was an ear piercing screech that seemed to echo through the tunnels.

"Come on, we don't have much time" David said looking back down the way they had came.

The older kids quickly helped some of the smaller ones get up to the platform.

Ash nodded to David then disappeared into the pipe.

Lily waved then followed.

Then Jonas, Then Phoenix, Then Tinsley who saluted before disappearing.

After everyone was through Kyle was the last one standing on the platform.

"I'll be seein you Kyle" said David smiling sadly.

Kyle frowned and nodded without looking at David then ducked into the tunnel.

David took a deep breath and took out his gun and turned around.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps running behind him and he turned quickly to see Kyle running towards him. Kyle tackle hugged David, "Y-you hurry your ass up ok?" said Kyle sobbing

David hugged him back tightly "I will, I promise"

Kyle pressed the palm of his hands to his eyes to stop the tears that had formed. "Good" he said sniffing

He then pulled away and frowned and stuck his hand out. David smiled and slapped it and then fist bumped. Kyle then stopped frowning and grinned, then he ran back and ducked into the tunnel. David turned again and started running silently back to where he hopped the other group members and his wife were still alive.

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