Chapter 2: Talkin New York

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The next day started off with a bang. Literally! Louis woke me up with his mouth on my dick. I let out a soft moan, letting him know it felt good. A few moments later, I felt his fingers at my entrance. He gently guided one inside and then added another one a few seconds later, to help loosen me up. It felt so fucking good. I couldn't wait to have him inside of me.

I felt myself on the cusp of an orgasm, when Louis popped off and moved up over my body. He hovered above me before leaning down and kissing my lips, running his tongue through my mouth thoroughly. He moved his body between my spread thighs and used his hand to guide his erection to my entrance. He pulled back from my lips and looked me in the eyes, before telling me he loved me. He looked sad for a moment, before he took possession of my lips again and then guided himself inside of me.

Our sex wasn't rough, it was slow and passionate. It was like Louis was trying to show me with his body how much he loves me. He would get me to the edge and then pull me back again. It felt amazing but was also frustrating.

  It felt amazing but was also frustrating

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"Please Lou, I need to cum. Please let me cum, babe." I pleaded and moaned.

He looked into my eyes and smirked at me. "You will baby. Just let me love you a little bit more."

My hands gripped his waist and pulled him closer to me. His thrust became more exaggerated, alerting me to the fact that he was close. Just a few more thrust and he fell over the edge and I chased after him.

We laid together in each other arms, sweaty, but satisfied. I ran my fingers through his hair, while he rested his head on my chest, breathing deeply. I didn't want to ruin this post coital moment, but my mind was working a mile a minute.

Louis and I always have had amazing sex. We both enjoyed it rough and hard, rarely do we do sensual. So, it has me wondering where this came from. Does this have anything to do with what happened last night at Lavo? So many questions. I didn't have a chance to ask any of them though, because Louis let out a soft snore and I knew he was in a deep sleep.

I told myself that I would not worry about this today. I had enough going on, we both have enough going on today that my mind will not have any time to wonder. A quick glance at the clock told me that it was just past 6am. The car would be here to pick me up at 7:30am. I decided to go ahead and get up and start getting ready.

A quick shower later, I was dressed in black skinny jeans, a white tee shirt, and a black cardigan. My hair was still damp from my shower, so I pulled a beanie on my head. I checked my phone for messages while I pulled on my black Chelsea boots. Nothing but a text from Gemma reminding me that she will be in LA next month and wanted to coordinate schedules, so we can do something together. I sent her a quick reply that I hadn't forgotten and that our guest room will be awaiting her arrival.

I still had quite a bit of time on my hands, so I headed to the dining area of our suite and turned on the TV. I reached for the room service menu and decided to order some breakfast for me. Just an English muffin, some fresh fruit, and coffee.

Ever Since New York  {Larry/Zarry}Where stories live. Discover now