Chapter 7: English Man in New York

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"Liam, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to function without Harry. He's my everything." Louis whined to Liam.

Liam rolled his eyes before answering me.

"Lou, I love you. I do. But what did you expect Haz to do? Not many people are going to be okay with the person they love and share their life with, cheating on them. Give him some time, you never know what can happen."

"You don't know Harry like I do Li..."

"You damn right I don't. We probably wouldn't be best friends if I did." He said smartly.

"Don't be a smart arse! You know damn well what I mean. Harry isn't the type to forgive and forget when it comes to cheating. After we saw what Lou went through when Tom cheated on her, we both swore not to ever do that to each other. Then I go and fuck that up royally."

"Fuck! What the hell was I thinking to fuck Brianna? Yeah, she was fucking hot and I felt attracted to her, but I see hot chicks and guys all the time and I've never acted on it. Why did I let this girl come between what I had with Harry?"

"I can't answer that man. All I know is that you have some big decisions to make. Even if you and Harry can get past this and get back together, you have a baby coming and that means Brianna is going to be a constant reminder to Harry that you were unfaithful to him. Just make sure you think everything through, before you try to work things out with Harry. He deserves to be first and foremost in your life. Are you planning to be involved in the child's life? You have some thinking to do Lou. I'm not trying to bring you down, I just want to make sure you're looking at this from all angles. You're heading back to LA on Sunday and Harry will be there sometime next week. Just take these next few days to think things over and be ready with a plan when you speak with Harry next week."

"But you're going to take a break from all the stress and sadness on Friday

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"But you're going to take a break from all the stress and sadness on Friday. We're going to the Hamptons for my birthday slash pre-Labor Day VIP celebration! It's the all-white party and it's going to be the event of the year!"

I looked at Liam with a sad expression. I knew that I wasn't going to be in the right headspace for a party or celebration, but I would have to suck it up. Liam is my best friend and I did plan on attending the party in the first place, with Harry. Then I began to wonder... Will Harry show up? Maybe, I wouldn't have to wait until I returned to LA to see Harry, after all. Maybe we can work things out here in New York and go back to LA together. Yes, I will be getting my man back, but first I need to find the hottest outfit.

"Hey Li, let's hit up some shops today. I have nothing in white to wear."


"Babe, can you hand me my Tommy bag off the table in there?" Gi yelled out.

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