Chapter 10: Heading Back to New York

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It's been three days since I left Zayn's house and I haven't received one single phone call or text from him. Nor have I tried contacting him.

I feel terrible for what I did to him and I'm so disgusted with myself that I don't know how to approach him and apologize. I can't believe I allowed myself to be so furious with seeing Louis with someone else, that it caused me to neglect the man I love while he was showing me how much he loved me.

Rehearsing for my tour has been keeping me a little occupied. I've also been in talks with the people from Gucci about what they're wanting me to do, per my campaign with them. They've even offered to style my entire wardrobe for my tour and the Styles team is giddy as fuck about that!

I was just getting ready to settle into my bed with some popcorn and watch a movie, before my doorbell sounded throughout my home. I wasn't expecting anybody and not many people have clearance to access my property.

I stepped into my slippers and walk downstairs towards my front door. I purposely kept the lights off in the foyer, as not to draw too much attention. When I arrived at the door and looked out, I saw an unexpected face. I quickly opened up the door and pulled my visitor into my arms.

I pulled back and looked her in the eyes, before saying, "Why didn't you call me and tell me you were coming Gemmy? I would've come and picked you up from the airport."

"I told you I was coming when we spoke last week

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"I told you I was coming when we spoke last week. How quickly you forget about your favorite sister, you tosser!" She nudges me away from her in mock anger.

I laughed at her, before side-stepping her and getting her luggage from the front porch and bringing it inside.

"What do you mean my favorite sister, you're my only sister!" I laughed at her loudly before telling her to follow me.

I carried her bags up the stairs and took them to one of the guest rooms. She followed behind me and set down her jacket and her purse, before plopping down on the bed. I shook my head at her antics, before taking a seat on the bed next to her.

I really missed her. It's refreshing to have her here and just spend some time with her before my life gets super hectic.

"I'm glad you're here Gemmy. I missed you so much." I told her honestly.

She sat up quickly and looked over at me with concern, before pulling me into a hug.

"What's wrong Haz? I can sense there is something going on, you can talk to me." She urged, lovingly.

I knew I could talk to her honestly and tell her everything and not worry about her judging me. She may joke around with me and poke fun at me, but at the end of the day I know she always has my back.

I knew if I told her what happened with Zayn, she would be supportive (after calling me stupid for rushing into things and an asshole for hurting Zayn like I did).

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