Chapter 6: All the Critics in New York

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"Seriously Zayn! Why are you here? I don't think Lou is here, or else she would have answered the door. Now if you don't mind, I'm going back to bed." I told him as I went to close the door in his face.

He stopped me from closing the door with his hand. "Harry wait, please." He sounded so sincere and desperate.

I glared at him for a moment, before sighing and turning away from the door and walking away. I needed to get some clothes on before I can talk to him about anything.

"I'll be back, stay here!" I told him as he came inside Lou's apartment and shut the door.

Once inside of the guest room, I shut the door and leaned up against it. I let out a sigh, trying to control my breathing and the beating of my heart. I can't stand Zayn, but he still has the ability to make my heart race. He's devastatingly beautiful and he's always made me weak in the knees.

No!  I need to snap myself out of this Zayn haze and get back out there and get him out of here

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No! I need to snap myself out of this Zayn haze and get back out there and get him out of here. I jerked myself away from the door and grabbed some joggers out of my bag and pulled on a random tee shirt. I took a moment to go into the attached bathroom and brush my teeth and throw some water on my face, before heading back out to the living area where Zayn was waiting.

He was sitting on the sofa, making himself right at home. I don't know why I allow him to affect me so much after all this time, but he just does. Which is why he needs to hurry up and leave.

I take a seat in the chair opposite the sofa, wanting to put as much space between us as possible. "So, what is it that you need to say Zayn?" I asked him impatiently.

He took a moment and looked me over carefully before replying, "Why do you hate me so much Harreh? I only broke up with you, so that I wouldn't hold you back."

I can't believe he has the audacity to say that, or even bring up this subject.

"REALLY? Why are you bringing this up now Zayn? I haven't seen you in over two years and the first thing you say to me when we're face to face, is 'why do you hate me so much? And then try to justify it with you only broke up with me to not hold me back.' That's fucking bullshit!"

By this time, I was fuming. I had to get up and walk into the kitchen, before I punched him dead in the mouth.

I busied myself with making me some coffee, trying to get my anger under control. I knew the exact moment he stepped into the kitchen. I could still sense that electric like charge and buzzing sensation he always whenever I was around him. I refused to turn around and face him until I knew I was in control again.

"Haz, I don't want to upset you." He said softly to my back. "Please talk to me. I don't want you to hate me. We have so much history and although we're not together, doesn't mean we can't have any kind of relationship."

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