Chapter 4: New York to Nowhere

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I felt extremely warm and I couldn't understand why. I tried sitting up in the bed and realized that something was stopping me. I reached out and touched the cause of my warmth. It was Harry. He was half laying on me, and his arm was thrown haphazardly across my chest.

"Harry?" I called out. No response, no movement, so I tried again. "Harry!" He jerked awake, in the process, moving his body from mine. I was able to sit up and look him over.

He looked a little dazed, so I reached out and stroked the side of his face. I snuggled his face against my hand. I smiled down at him. He began to doze off to sleep. I didn't mind though, because we have no specific plans for today. I looked around the room, noticing our suits from last night, thrown recklessly around the room. We were both naked as the day we were born. I smiled to myself, remembering our sex last night. Harry was wild, and I fucking loved it!

I wonder what time it is. I looked to the bedside table to see if my phone was there. It should have been, because I remember putting it there last night, right next to Harry's. However, it was not sitting there. I got a little concerned because there is no logical explanation as to why it's missing. I hopped out of bed, trying not to wake my love. I looked around the room, wondering where it could be. I checked the bathroom, not there. I walked out into the living area and looked around in there, when I noticed it laying carelessly in the middle of the floor. I was confused, because I'm certain that my phone was not there last night.

I walked over to it and picked it up, inspecting it closely. It seemed to be fine, so I unlocked it to see if I had any messages or missed calls. There were no missed calls, but I had a couple text messages from Briana. Fuck, I still can't believe how badly I fucked up with her. I still have not figured out how to tell Harry about her and the baby. I'm scared to tell him, because I just know I'm going to lose him.

I clicked opened the first of three messages from Briana:

Lou, call me when you get this message. We need to talk. ~Briana

I rolled my eyes at that. There's nothing to talk about. Until she's ready to give birth, she really doesn't have anything to talk to me about. I clicked on the next message.

Umm, I don't know if you're mad about what happened, I'm really sorry. I thought he knew. Call me. ~Briana

I began to get nervous. What did she do? She thought who knew? I clicked on the last message and the phone slipped from my hand, onto the floor, and I heard it crack.

Louis! Did you speak to Harry? I know you're probably mad I told him, but I thought he knew. He answered your phone and called me by my name. Please, call me right away. ~Briana

I knew that I was thoroughly and truly fucked. If what she said is true, Harry knows that I cheated on him and that I'm going to be a father. What am going to fucking do?

But then a thought came to me... Harry was wrapped around me last night. He didn't leave or beat me awake after speaking to Bri. I wonder why. What is he thinking?

I reached down to pick up my broken phone and turned to walk back towards the bedroom. When I looked up, Harry was standing there, watching me. He was fully dressed. I couldn't decipher the expression on his face, or his mood. So, I went for nonchalance to see how he responds.

Hey babe why are you fully dressed? Do you want me to order some room service?

Harry didn't answer. He continued to stare at me, almost as if he was staring through me. He didn't move. He just stood there.

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