Chapter 3: New York City Blues

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Katy Perry introduced the next presenter. "To introduce our next performer, please welcome Louis Tomlinson, to the stage."

I couldn't contain my happiness. I looked over to Emma and she had this self-satisfied look on her face.

"You knew about this didn't you?" I accused.

She nodded her head before saying, "Of course, I did. Jeff and MTV thought it would be perfect if Louis introduced you."

I didn't have time to get into it with her about this, not that I objected to this at all. I couldn't think of a better person than Lou to introduce me. I tuned into him as he was finishing up his introduction.

"Please welcome to the stage, Harry Styles!"  Louis announced, and then I heard the crowd applaud

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"Please welcome to the stage, Harry Styles!" Louis announced, and then I heard the crowd applaud.

I got into position and was lifted on the stage. My band was already in place and started the opening notes to Two Ghost. I walked up to the microphone stand and began signing.

"Same lips red, same eyes blue

Same white shirt couple more tattoos

But it's not you and it's not me..."

As I sang, I looked out to the crowd to see what their perception was of the song. So far, they seemed to like it. The narcissistic side of me, needed their acceptance.

"Tastes so sweet, look so real

Sounds like something that I use to feel

But I can't touch what I see..."

The audience was blanketed in darkness, only the lights from people phones were clearly visible. A soft spotlight was focused on me and my guitar. I could hear people singing along with me and it was such a beautiful thing to hear. I'm glad that they seem to like this song. It's my first time performing it in public. It's special to me, as it was written about Louis. I looked over to where he was sitting, next to Liam and Danielle. He was so focused on me. I could see the hint of a smile adorning his handsome face.

I blushed and smirk, before focusing back on finishing up my song. I stepped to the front of the stage to bow, once I was done. Applause was thunderous throughout the auditorium. I kissed my fingertips and then thrust them out towards the crowd, as if I was giving them all a kiss. Then I walked off stage.

Emma, Lou, Jeff, and Mike were all waiting for me at the stage line. They were clapping and overly exuberant. I couldn't help back to blush and get a little embarrassed by their enthusiasm. Only because people were starting to stare and although I don't usually show it, I do tend to get self-conscious. Before I could escape to my dressing room, I was stopped by the stage manager and he helped me remove my mic and the ear plugs.

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