Chapter 8: Leaving New York

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"Louis? Fucking answer me! You called my phone in the wee hours of the morning with your childish shit! You don't have a say so in who I spend my time with, now. You have a lot of nerve calling me with such accusations. Don't call me again, if you're going to act like you're five. I will see you next week, please don't contact me again." I said to him before hanging up.

I'm wide awake now. I'm so upset with Louis' audacity. Tears pool in my eyes and I fight hard to keep them at bay. I hate feeling like this. It feels like I've done nothing but cry for the past week. I just want this feeling to go away and feel normal again.

Just as the tears threaten to fall, my phone rings again. Oh my god! Why is he calling me back? He's such a fucking child! I grab my phone, not even checking to see that it's him, and I answer it angrily.

"Did you not fucking hear me when I said not to call me again Louis? Leave me the fuck alone, you're fucking pissing me off!"

"Umm, Harreh? Are you alright, is everything okay?"

That isn't Louis' voice. Definitely not Louis voice.

"Zayn? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay Harreh? You don't sound like you are." He said with concern in his face.

I sighed, knowing that I had let my emotions get the better of me which resulted in me giving Zayn insight into my current state.

"No, I'm not okay. I just had an unpleasant conversation with Louis and I thought you were him calling me back. Sorry about that, by the way. I should've checked to see who was calling me before answering."

"No, it's fine. I'm sure you weren't expecting me to be calling so it's a normal assumption that you thought it was him under the circumstances."

"Not that I'm not happy to hear from you Zayn, but why are you calling me at 4 am? Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked curiously.

"You know my sleeping patterns were never regular." He said and laughed in that way that I like, before speaking again. "I was just sitting here looking out the window over New York and trolling through social media. I came across pictures of you and Kendall tonight. You looked amazing. I'm glad to see you and Kendall have rekindled your friendship. How did things go tonight at the benefit?"

I could tell he genuinely wanted to know and wasn't just fishing for details about me and Kendall.

"Things went really good tonight Zee. We exceeded our intended target goal. That money is going to be able to help so many people and that's all I want." I said happily.

"I'm glad to hear that Harreh. That's a good thing you have there, and I was truly happy for you when I read about it in the Vanity Fair spread you were covered on. How did you and Kendall reconnect?"

"My team felt that I needed to take a date to the gala, because it would raise speculation if I went alone, since Louis and I haven't put out our statements yet about our break-up. They felt that everyone might be too invested in why I came alone, instead of focusing on the true purpose of the night. Gemma actually suggested I take Kendall. She knew that she was in New York and thought it'd be a good time for us to reconnect. I'm just glad that Kendall was so forgiving."

"Yeah, she's a great girl." Zayn agreed.

"Oh, that's right. She's friends with your girl, right?" I don't know how I didn't think of that until now.

Zayn laughed. "Yeah, she's friends with Gi."

I was curious. "What's funny?" I asked with a smile on my face. His laugh is infectious.

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