Chapter 5: A Heart in New York

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When I left the hotel, I had no destination in mind. I just picked a direction and headed that way. I know that it's reckless for me to be out in the open like this with no security and not letting anyone know where I'm going. I just needed to get out of there. I felt like hitting Louis and I knew I needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

My emotions were everywhere. I went to bed last night believing that everything that transpired between me and Briana wasn't real. But I was being naive. After I woke up and found Louis gone, the conversation with Briana came back full force in my mind. I knew I wouldn't be able to let it go without talking to Louis about it first.

I figured I needed to be dressed, just in case things got heated and I didn't want to be vulnerable if that was the case. So, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, before putting on some clothes, including my shoes. I made sure to put my wallet and phone in my pocket, before going out to find Louis. He was standing in the middle of the living area, with his phone in his hand. I could tell that he was reading something. I chose to observe him and not make my presence known just then. I saw his phone drop to the ground and heard it crack. He must have gotten a message from Briana about our conversation last night. I couldn't think of any other reason for him to act the way he was. When he finally picked up the phone and turned and saw me, I knew then that everything was absolutely true.

I couldn't even stay in the same room as him, after he told me everything. I told him to be gone by the time I came back and l just left.

I'm not very familiar with New York, so when I found a nice little Espresso shop, I couldn't pass it up

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I'm not very familiar with New York, so when I found a nice little Espresso shop, I couldn't pass it up. Ninth Street Espresso Shop was a nice cozy place. I went inside to see what they had to offer. Their menu was very simple, which was fine by me because all I could stomach at the moment was a black coffee. So that's what I ordered. The barista was very polite. I'm not sure if she recognized me or not, if she did she was very professional and didn't show it. She asked if I wanted it for here or to go. I looked around the shop and noticed that it wasn't busy, so I told her I'd have it there. She told me to take a seat and she would bring it right over.

  She told me to take a seat and she would bring it right over

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