chapter 2: it all comes crashing down again

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Chapter 2: it all comes crashing down again

"Mr Gale just hear me out OK, please" I begged.

For 6 months now my boss had been lending me some extra money because I could not afford to pay my rent anymore.

My landlord had increased the rent money, and my pay check could not cover that. I barely had enough money for groceries, so this was a problem.

My boss seemed to understand this. He had been lending me money for a while now, but this time it was different.

"Ali, you haven't payed me back in 3 months", he said as he smoothed back his slick jet-black hair.

"I know Mr Gale, but I promise I will..." I started, but barely finished as I was cut off by his deep voice which was raised an octave or two.

" WHEN?! Huh? When your debt is in tens of thousands?!" he shouted while wildly flailing his arms around.

I was taken aback by his tone. "Mr Gale, please just thi..." but before I could finish my sentence again he interrupted me.

" look" he sighed, "I will forget about your debt if you do me a little favour".

His expression had changed from anger to lust as he looked me up and down and licked his lips. I was immediately filled with horror. "NO!" I shouted.

He didn't look too happy after my denial. He stood up and growled "YES! I'm a selfish man Ali. Did you really think that I lent you money out of the goodness of my heart?" he said the last part with a smug smile and lightly patted his chest.

"I can't" I whispered, "I won't do it". I couldn't think straight. Was this really happening to me?

His expression became that of full blown anger. "THEN GET THE HELL OUT OF MY RESTAURANT!" he bellowed, "And don't you dare show your face anywhere near me or I WILL make you pay dearly" he spat.

Tears pooled in my eyes but I forced them back. I was stronger than this. I would not cry. I had not cried when I lost my mother. I didn't cry when my home was repossessed to pay my mother's debts. I did not cry when I ran away because I would be placed in an orphanage. I didn't cry when my dad found me (accidentally) and tried to kill me. I did not cry then, and I would not cry now.

I straightened myself and walked out. Great! Now I'm broke and unemployed. Could this day get any worse?

I arrived home... well the apartment I shared with two other people, Miranda and Caitlyn, who by the way, absolutely hated me for no apparent reason.

Needless to say, they were smiling when I realised I had been trying to open my room unsuccessfully for 5 minutes now. It was locked!

That's when I noticed my duffel bag sitting by the door. It contained all my belongings, which wasn't much.

At that very blissful moment (yes, only I could be sarcastic in such a serious situation)

Miranda remembered her vocal cord was indeed intact and spoke to me for the first time EVER.

"In case your brain has not yet registered what's going on, I'll be kind enough to fill you in" she said while smiling evilly and batting her eye lashes. CREEPY!

She continued, "You" she pointed at me, "have been kicked out, evicted, given the boot!" Then she burst into laughter and did a happy dance with Caitlyn. Oh joy.

So my question was answered. Yes, my day could get worse, and it did.

So My list had a new member. I was broke, unemployed and now HOMELESS! Wooo I should get a prize, this has to be a Guinness world record or something.

I sighed, picked up my duffel bag and walked out without looking back.

I was back on the streets again. The chorus of a song I had heard years ago by BONE THUGS AND HARMONY, on the streets by the way, slowly drifted into my mind, and after 8 years, this was what brought me to tears.


I tried so hard, can't seem to get away from misery, man, I tried so hard, always be a victim of these streets...

I was back on the streets. The same streets I escaped 7 years ago. The streets with drugs, prostitution and crime. I escaped, I survived...but now I was back, and I didn't feel so lucky this time.

I felt like a failure. I had failed myself...I had failed my mother.

My vision became blurred by my tears. I had no fight left in me, so I sat down, un-aware of my surroundings, and cried.

I had nothing and no one, so what was the point. I was so defeated.

I should have noticed the man I sat next to. I should have noticed him. But I didn't.


A/N thank you for reading this far if you're still reading. I would really appreciate some feedback and suggestions on what I could do to improve my writing. Thanks

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