chapter 3: knight in beat up converse

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Chapter 3: knight in beat up converse

She sat down right next to me and buried her face in her hands. She was crying... no, she was weeping. It seemed as though the weight of the world was on her shoulders. She didn't seem to care anymore, she didn't even notice me!

She was beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous...and she was crying beside me. I don't know what possessed me to do what I did next. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me. She buried her face in my chest and cried harder.

After about 10 minutes she realised what was happening, but instead of moving away in fear (this was not exactly a friendly neighbourhood) she looked up at me. I was startled by her beautiful brown eyes; somehow they matched her golden brown hair that cascaded down her back. Then she spoke.I had to remind myself to breath. Everything about her was beautiful, her voice was breath-taking... literally.

"Hi" she said with a weak smile. "I have nothing valuable so you picked the wrong person to steal from...sorry" she ended in a whisper. She thought I wanted to mugg her?

"Uhm, I'm not a thief..." I trailed off.

"You're not?" she replied,

"No, I'm not a thief" I assured her.

But why was she just sitting here in my arms. Shouldn't she be worried? I had to clear my throat before I spoke again, "uh, do you need a place to stay? You don't look so good", really Nate, really? You just offered a random woman a place to stay. You don't know her. Damn! Take it back! Take. It. Back!... wait, why am I talking to myself?

I was so busy with my internal conversation that I didn't notice her eyes widen. When I did though, I had to remind myself to breathe...AGAIN!

"Are you a pimp?" she asked. I couldn't help it; I burst into fits of laughter. She thought I was a pimp... oh crap! Maybe I do look like a pimp. Do pimps wear dark jeans, beat up converse shoes and a polo t-shirt... maybe, who knows, I don't know any pimps. Nate focus!

Her innocence was captivating so I shook my head, "no I'm not a pimp. I'm an accountant. I live on the other side of town. I needed to clear my head so I went for a walk and ended up here. I was just about to head back when I saw you. So what do you say?"

She pondered this then shrugged. "I have nothing left to lose anyway so if you're a pimp or crazy-psycho- killer then I guess I'll just have to live with it...or die, I think".

I was staring at her amused. She really was innocent looking so I stood up with her and picked up her bag and began to walk towards my car, which was pretty far away.

When we got to my car her jaw dropped. "How on earth can you afford a car like this and yet your shoes look like you just ran a marathon".

I buckled over with laughter. She was so funny. When I had calmed down considerably I replied, "my converse have been there in all my tough times, I love them".

She smiled at this. Did I mention how beautiful her smile was? Who is this woman?

I loved my Lamborghini Gallardo, and I think she did too because she had a goofy grin on her face as she got in in ran her hands all over the leather seat.

"This baby is a dream" she said in admiration.

I could get her one since she loved it so much. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow down tiger. First you pick a random gorgeous woman from the street, you offer her a place to stay, now your contemplating buying her a freaking lambo?! What the hell man!...ok I really should stop talking to myself. She didn't seem to notice.

She was so engrossed in the features of my car; I was so engrossed in her. Win win situation, yeah, until she spoke up,

"staring is impolite you know. Oh, I'm Allyson Leyla Grey".

Wow, her name was as beautiful as she was. "I'm Nathaniel Cole Peters...uh, why did we just do a full name introduction?" I asked, it was kinda strange.

"Well wouldn't you like to know the name of the stranger you offered a place to stay? I know I would" she said.

She was right, I did want to know her name, but my internal conversations and staring had distracted me. "Yeah...sure. So...uh, how long have you been on the streets?" I asked hesitantly.

She glanced at me then stared out the window and proceeded to tell me the events of her day. At the end I felt like just holding her in my arms and taking her pain away. She didn't deserve any of that.

I thought she was done but she kept talking. She told me her life story. I couldn't hold back the tear that escaped my eye. She saw it and wiped it away with her finger.

"Don't cry for me" she said, "I have survived it all, and I'm still here today, I just needed to tell someone, I'm sorry"

Why was she apologizing? I didn't get to finish that thought because she let out a shriek when she saw my house.


A/N so what do you think so far? Let me know please and thank you

...peace, love and brownies...

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