chapter 5: shopping, friendship and first encounters

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Chapter 5: shopping, friendship and first encounters

After my very long shower I went back downstairs for some breakfast… well to others it was lunch. I found Nate sitting at the island staring into space. this was such a great opportunity to scare the beegeebies out of him, muahahahaha… my evil laugh was not so convincing even to myself, I need a dope evil laugh, dope? Really Ally?

I couldn’t think of anything so I decided to wing it. I slowly crept up behind him and put on a thick Russian male accent, well I hoped it sounded Russian or at least threatening,

” don’t move or I vill keeeel juu” I sounded constipated rather than threatening, but it seemed to work because Nate jumped so high I thought he would touch the ceiling, which was pretty high, with blinding speed he pinned me face down on the island top, NINJA! Ok maybe not.

I was laughing so hard I didn’t feel the throbbing pain in my arm. Nate quickly let go of me with a panic stricken face,

“I’m so sorry Ally, I didn’t know it was you, did I hurt you?” he asked worriedly

 Maybe I should have checked out my arm before I replied “yes” , it would have been convincing if I hadn’t moved at that exact moment and winced as the pain shot through my arm. It really hurt.

The last time I was in such pain when my dad almost broke my leg when he pinned me to the floor and attempted to kill me by strangling me, I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t realise I was crying.

I wasn’t crying because my arm hurt, in fact the pain had subsided, I was crying because I remembered how I had almost lost my life that day. I couldn’t stop the tears and before I knew it Nate had pulled me into a hug repeating over and over again how sorry he was.

It took a lot of convincing but I finally managed to make him believe that my arm didn’t hurt anymore and it wasn’t the reason I was crying. I told him why I cried and he finally believed me. After that we ate ‘breakfast’ in silence.

“So where’s Angie” I enquired.

“She left a while ago, she’ll be back soon” he replied.

 There was nothing more to say after that so I decided to clean up since he had made the food. I went upstairs to take a nap, sleeping on the living room floor was not comfortable. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold.

I woke up 2 hours later and heard voices downstairs, Ange must be back. I was happy because she was my friend now, yes, I had a friend. I quickly rushed downstairs, after a quick trip to the bathroom of course, I had to look presentable, I had just woken up after all.

When I finally reached the lounge, which was the source of the voices, as I stepped in I noticed a man Sitting next to Angie. He had beautiful blue eyes and light brown hair, he was well built, and no wonder ange was staring at him with googly eyes.

“Hey Ally, how are you feeling” Nate inquired when he noticed me standing at the entrance.

“I’m fine Nate” I said for the nth time, he really was worried that he had hurt me.I walked over and sat next to him.

“I’m Blake, in case you were wondering” said the blue eyed man sitting next to Angie,

“I wasn’t wondering, but thanks for that invaluable piece of information” I replied dryly. He seemed like the cocky type, I knew teasing him would be fun, I would tone him down a notch.

“Feisty aren’t you. Well Allz I like you already” he said in amusement. Allz? Really?

“unfortunately for you I can’t say I return the sentiment, but I wouldn’t want to bruise your ego” I was having fun.

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