chapter 9: 'Till death do us part

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Chapter 9: ‘Till Death Do Us part

I was released from the hospital after a week. Nate had been by my side the whole time. I was so excited to go home, I couldn’t deal with the dull white walls of this room anymore.

“You ready?” Nate asked taking my hand to help me off the bed.

“Yeah…can I have a wheelchair?”

“Anything you want sweetheart”

Nate had a devious grin on his face, probably because he knew what I was thinking. I never really had a childhood, I always had to act mature for the sake of my mother so I never got to do all the fun childish things.

At the age of 24 I still entertained thoughts of an 8 year old at times, and you would never guess that Nate was 26 because he had the same thoughts.

I wanted to zip through the hospital as fast as my wheelchair would go and Nate would push me. Smiling widely at my plan as a Nurse wheeled in the wheelchair.

“Are you okay Miss Grey?” she asked worriedly when she took in my goofy grin.

“I’m great” I replied barely able to contain my excitement.

As soon as I was on the wheelchair Nate started running as fast as he could. He maneuvered the wheelchair around people and sharp bends, it was thrilling. I was screaming in delight as we zipped through the hospital. We heard shouts from the security and I cheered for Nate to go faster.

When we reached the exit of the hospital, Nate picked me up and slung my bag over his shoulder then bolted to his car. He sped away just before the security guards reached us.

“That. Was. Awesome” I screamed, let’s do it again! I beamed in excitement as I looked at Nate in hope. “Slow down tiger. Let’s give them time to forget our pretty faces first” he laughed as he looked at me.


The following weeks were torture with Angie and Mrs Peters planning my wedding. I decided to just sit back and let them do everything, I honestly tried to keep up but I gave up after a day. I told them I didn’t care what they did as long as the colour scheme was blue.

I had never really thought of how my wedding would be, I never thought I would ever get married. I smiled as thoughts of Nate filled my mind. In less than 3 weeks I would be married to the most amazing man I had ever met.

I twirled the diamond engagement ring on my finger, it was the most exquisite thing I had ever seen. It had tiny diamonds lining the band and at the centre there were more diamonds in an intricate pattern in the shape of a circle surrounding on big diamond which was right in the middle.

“Hey gorgeous” said a husky masculine voice from behind me as two strong arms encircled my waist. I smiled instantly at the warmth and comfort that enveloped my body.

“Hey, where have you been? I missed you” I replied relaxing into his embrace.

“I had a few things to do at the office. You look bored” he chuckled. I was bored indeed. Angie and Mrs Peters had been so busy planning all sorts of crazy things for my wedding, I had no one to hang out with.

“Let’s get out of here” Nate said seriously looking straight into my eyes. “What do you mean?” I asked curiously as I saw an array of emotions flashing across his face.

“Let’s get married on a beach somewhere far from all this madness. I want our wedding to be special, not filled with hundreds of people we don’t know”

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