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Sela Hart ran through the streets, her eyes scanning every alleyway for an exit or an escape

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Sela Hart ran through the streets, her eyes scanning every alleyway for an exit or an escape. The city was dead quiet as she ran except for the pounding of footsteps behind her. Sela ran as fast as she could the moment she heard the footsteps gaining on her. Before she could look behind her, she launched herself up and grabbed the edge of a fire escape. She pulled herself up onto the railings and backed up into the shadows.

A familiar face ran past the alley Sela hid in, disappearing around the corner. Sela let out a breath of relief as she slowly lowered herself from the fire escape. Her feet searched for the dumpster she used to jump off of. As soon as she was safe on the ground, Sela began heading back the other way.

The woman nervously glanced behind her, scared to see if the dark haired woman chasing her was still following. Sela knew how many people she left behind everytime she moved. But it had always been easier that way. Stay a while, leave before a year had passed. It made it easier for her to live, always moving.

Until her past caught up with her. But Sela always escaped that too. A friend she had left behind in Argentina had tracked her down to her new place in New York. Sela had immediately gone back into hiding, only using cash and staying out of plain sight. It had been three years since she had been in Argentina. But apparently her friend was on a trip to New York. Sela wasn't sure why. She hadn't stuck around to ask or listen.

The only reason Sela Hart traveled to Argentina was to look for her family. But when she came up empty handed, she met Diana. They didn't speak about their pasts, only about their dreams for the future. And then Sela disappeared without a word. She moved from place to place in South America before giving up and finding a small place in New York.

While she lived there, she was lucky and unfortunate enough to find another friend. Though this one would be harder to leave behind. But Sela had gotten used to it after her years of running. It wouldn't be the first boyfriend she left behind, but he was the one she had spent the most time with.

Sela Hart hadn't found anyone who understood her as well as he did. They were almost polar opposites, but Sela adored everything about him. She had always hoped to be as passionate as he was, outspoken. But she had always been quiet, in the background. She hated it about herself, especially since that was the reason she lost her family. But he loved her for it. And Sela couldn't bring herself to leave him just yet.

A month after arriving in New York, she bumped into him on the subway. He was wearing his army uniform, something that caught Sela's attention. It wasn't that she was attracted. No, she was much more nervous around him. But he calmed her down.

They started dating a week after, then they moved in together after four months. All the while, Sela hid her real self. She couldn't scare him away with her strange mutant powers. Not until she was sure he trusted her entirely and wouldn't let it slip that she was a metahuman. And she wasn't sure she even wanted him to know. She never accepted that part of her after she lost her family.

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