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Sparks flew from her cuffs as Sela woke up

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Sparks flew from her cuffs as Sela woke up. She sat up straight, her dark eyes scanning the room for the reason she woke up so abruptly. Without a real reason, Sela gave up and relaxed. She grabbed the rope and quickly climbed it. Sela grabbed at the other end and tied it to the hook she had requested to be put in. She curled her legs over it and hung upside down, her new go to when she was watching the outside world without the guards knowing.

"Up, Hart. Your meds." Sela's eyes popped open, dark as always. She watched as the female guard that had been assigned to her two months ago walked in. Rather than the heavy armor she wore the month before, all she wore was her bullet proof vest and had her rifle strapped to her back. The paper cup of pills was in her hand, along with a paper cup of water. After a week of giving Sela the medicine, the guard felt bad she had to swallow them dry.

Sela didn't say a word as she took the pills and popped them in her mouth. She took the second cup and downed both the pills and the water. Without a word, Sela smiled at the guard and jumped to grab the rope. The guard shut the door behind her just as Sela flipped herself upside down.

She hung there with her eyes closed, waiting for the pill effects to go away. After two years of taking the meds, Sela could get rid of the headache and use her powers after five minutes. She had built up a small tolerance, but it still affected her. She hoped that maybe after another year the pills would have no effect. Slowly, the streets of Paris came into sight. The vision burned into the back of Sela's eyelids, bringing a smile to her lips.

"Miss Hart." The stern voice wiped the smile from her lips. Her dark eyes snapped open to find an upside down Amanda Waller. But she wasn't alone. Sela looked at the blonde woman beside her from where she hung upside down. Images flashed through her mind the longer she stared at the woman.

Doctor June Moone was a sight for sore eyes. Her blonde hair matched Sela's. But her blue eyes were gorgeous. Sela watched her as she grabbed the rope and flipped off of it. She set her feet on the dirty ground and slowly approached the door of her cell. The window was opened, giving Sela a perfect view of the archaeologist. June was jaw dropping.

But that wasn't what Sela was focused on. Something in her caught her attention. A cave appeared in Sela's mind, two idols and a single heart. Sela didn't let her eyes show that she knew what was going on with the doctor as she backed away.

"This is Doctor June Moone and Colonel Rick Flag." Sela felt her breath hitch in her throat as her eyes slowly wandered over to the man that stood beside June. He was barely visible, hiding behind the door. Her dark eyes were blank as she stared at him, finding the same look staring back at her. She could feel her heart clench in pain as she turned back around and pulled herself back up onto the rope.

"I've got an offer for you." Waller said, trying to gain Sela's attention. It didn't work. Sela watched June with curious eyes. "I'm recruiting a task force to fight against an unknown threat." Sela listened to Waller, but only barely. Her eyes were focused on the doctor. She let her eyes flicker to Rick for half a second before falling back onto the blonde woman that stood outside the cell. Sela could see Rick tense as her eyes landed back on June. Sela knew him well enough, even after two years, that he was protective of the woman. They were a thing. And while it pained her to know he moved on, Sela tried to force herself to be relieved.

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