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"I got her

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"I got her. Keep going."

Floyd nodded, leaving Sela behind to deal with the clown. Sela slowly approached, reaching a hand out to help Harley when the woman spun on her. Sela didn't flinch. The gun was pointed straight at her, aimed between her eyes and cocked. Sela raised her hands and nudged it away from her head.

"Whoa, just me." Sela whispered, her voice calm and warm. Harley blinked, her eyes focusing on Sela's dark eyes. Sela smiled before speaking again. "I'd rather not deal with another gunshot." She giggled, pointing to her thigh.

The bullet in her leg was too deep for her to properly extract at the moment. She'd have to wait until she was sitting and the mission was over. Sela decided not to bother with it, using it as a joke until she was able to fix it up. But Harley didn't seem to get the joke. She just stared blankly, as though she hadn't even heard Sela.

"You ever been in love, Lala?" Harley asked after a moment of silence. The two women stood side by side, leaning their arms on the railing of the stairwell. Sela glanced over at Harley to see the clown princess already watching her.

"A long time ago." Sela said softly, glancing away. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Harley smile slightly. The blue eyed woman was still staring at the witch as she spoke.

"What about Flag?" Harley teased innocently. "I saw you two talking before the first attack." Sela felt herself unintentionally tense up. She knew Harley would catch it, but she wasn't too bothered by it at the moment. Her dark eyes moved to stare at the ground that seemed so far down.

"Like I said, it was a long time ago." Sela repeated. Her eyes snapped up to see the team getting further and further away. "Now come on. They're gonna have all the fun without us." Sela gave Harley a playful smirk, one Harley easily returned. The two blondes ran up the stars to catch up with the team. They were stopped just outside a door, waiting.

"Wait here. Please." Rick ordered. "I don't wanna give this dude a heart attack, okay?" Sela felt Harley link their arms as she spoke, her head tilting towards Sela and her hair falling onto the witch's shoulder.

"Aww, he's embarrassed of us." Harley cooed.

"Hey, Flag." Floyd called. Rick stopped mid step and looked behind him. "This dude better cure cancer after all this shit." Sela smiled at the hitman before backing up with Harley. The two leaned against the wall, Harley playing with her hair. Sela gripped Harley's upper arm as tight as Harley allowed her to and closed her eyes.

The inside of the room burned into her eyelids, Amanda Waller standing above it all. It was enough to make Sela want to open her eyes and forget she ever saw inside. But she fought her instinct and watched. Rick and Floyd entered the room, words being exchanged.

"You wouldn't have made it without them." Waller started, looking out over everyone in the room.

"We got lucky. I don't do luck. I do planning and precision." Rick argued.

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