b o n u s #1

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how the sorceress met the sword wielding hero

The city of Tokyo was quite the sight. Sela found herself immersed in the city, her eyes finding everything that shined bright. It was beautiful the more she walked. She couldn't find herself bored, no matter where she went. Her dark eyes were so intrigued by everything that she hadn't even noticed that she had walked down a sketchy looking alleyway. Even that look interesting to the immortal being who had been so used to jungles and miles of trees.

Sela'd been so absorbed in her wonder as she strolled through the city of Tokyo that she hadn't even realized she was being followed just yet. It was a new experience for her, being away from the forest and somewhere so bright. Thailand and Paris, along with all the other places she'd been, were so different compared to this city. While she'd been entranced, she hadn't noticed the gang members following her.

"Hey lady!" One of them yelled as soon as Sela moved to try to get out of the dead end alleyway. Sela spun on her heels, her mind immediately translating the language they spoke in. "Where do you think you're going?"

Despite the men that stepped out to block her only escape, Sela wasn't worried about getting hurt. No, she was much more worried about being caught as a meta human. She'd gone through so much and done so many things to stay hidden from any government and media. She wasn't going to let herself get caught just because she walked down the wrong alley.

"I was just exploring. I don't want any trouble." Sela said easily, raising her hands up to show she meant no harm. The men just glanced at each other and laughed darkly. Sela watched as they moved closer and closer, but she didn't let it bother her. Not yet.

"You don't know what you walked into do you?"

"She might not, but I do."

Sela's head snapped around to find a figure standing in the center of the mouth of the alley. She couldn't make out more than the silver katana that the figure held. Soft murmurs echoed from the sword, bringing Sela to glance at the woman in confusion before looking around at the men that surrounded her. They seemed to understand who they were dealing with. And instead of running in fear, they just grew angrier and angrier.

"This is none of your business, Katana." The man who Sela assumed was the leader snarled. Katana stepped into the light, letting Sela see who her savior was. Despite that, the gang members still didn't disappear.

Katana was a strong looking woman, her black hair chopped at her shoulders and pushed out of her face. She wore a white mask with black and red detailing to keep her identity a secret. Sela had to admit, the samurai looked intimidating. The sword she wielded was the cherry on top, glinting in the dim light.

"Leave the woman alone." Those were the last words Sela could hear before the fighting started.

Katana ran forward, slashing her sword through the air. The blade caught one of the side men's chest. It barely scratched him, but it was enough to send the man stumbling backwards. One of Sela's fingers twitched, a thin green ribbon wrapping around the man's ankle and pulling it out from under him. His head slammed against the concrete, knocking him unconscious immediately. One man down, six more to go.

The second man teamed up with the third man, rushing for Sela. The remaining four ganged up on Katana. Sela made sure to act quick, not wanting to let the person who was trying to help her wind up dead. With quick fingers and dark green glowing eyes, the two men that ran at her were sent flying into the wall beside Sela. They flew in opposite directions, their heads hitting the walls with sickening thuds. They fell to the ground in lifeless piles, still alive but knocked out. Three men down, four men left.

Katana was busy holding off the remaining four, unable to land a single hit as they all attempted to land a blow on her. Sela stepped in, pulling one of the men off with a sharp tug on the back of his shirt. He jumped away from Katana in surprise and looked for the two men that had attempted to grab Sela. He found them lying on the ground, out cold.

It didn't take him long to grab his friend and bring him to try to attack Sela. The woman just scowled, raising her hands in a fake martial arts position. They didn't know that she had no experience, but they also didn't know that she was a meta human and stronger than they had originally thought.

The first one attacked immediately, his friend trying to get around Sela to hit her from behind. But Sela was expecting it. She turned before the first man could attack and grabbed the second one's wrist. With more strength than they knew she had, she threw him into the first man. They landed in a heap and groaned in pain. At least, the one that was thrown groaned in pain. The one that had been taken down just shoved his friend off of him and stood back up. Albeit, he was rather unsteady.

"Just give up already," Sela laughed darkly. She took a single step forward and tilted her head to the side. A deranged smile spread across her lips in an attempt to get the man to run away screaming. It seemed to have worked, seeing as he stumbled backwards and tripped over his friend. Sela cringed as he fell backwards and hit his head against the pavement. Before she could think over it anymore, she turned around to see if Katana was still alright.

The Japanese woman let out a short breath, her black hair fluttering from her eyes. The two gang members lay on the ground, their throats cut. Sela raised an eyebrow and stared at Katana in curiosity. The woman just shrugged and gestured with her katana. Sela suddenly backed up, her eyes remaining on the sword.

Whispers echoed from the weapon, the sight of souls attempting to escape from it scaring Sela. Never before had she seen anything so ancient, that is if she didn't count looking in the mirror. Either way, the sight of such a powerful sword sent a thrill of fear down her spine.

"You took out four men on your own." Katana stated simply. Sela glanced back at them, suddenly realizing the woman was right. When she turned back around, she could see Katana's eyes narrowed behind the mask she wore. With a quick look, Sela could see the curiosity in her mind. There was no doubt that Katana was intrigued by the woman in front of her.

"Sela. Sela Hart." She introduced herself, holding out her hand to greet the woman. It took a moment, but the woman sheathed her sword and shook Sela's hand. It brought the blonde to smile widely as she made a new friend. Maybe this one she wouldn't ditch at the first sign of trouble.

"Tatsu Yamashiro. But I go by Katana now."

Sela nodded in understanding, a smile permanently etched onto her face. Her eyes slowly moved back over to the men that lay behind her. She realized that they were still alive and turned to Katana for answers.

"What do we do about them?"

published: 11/30/18, 10:48 pm

i know it's a little shorter than normal, but i didn't want their interaction to be too long. i don't really imagine katana would talk much, and sela isn't one to share her life story. the first one shot of mortality is now published. comment if you have any ideas that you'd like to see written!

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