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"Why then?"

"For money. She only wanted money. I should've assumed so. All she ever wanted for her birthday everyday was yet another piece of jewlery-"


Mondays. Ugh... When have you ever seen someone happy on one.

I trudged to school, and took a quick glance at my watch. 8:02

"Shit I'm late!" I cursed, and quickly sprinted the last block of school.

"Well Mr. Jung, I hope you have a good excuse or that's going to be detention!" She yelled, making everyone but the "emo" kids shudder. I didn't know what to say. Does pulling an all nighter to beat a level count as an excuse?

"I- no I don't."

I said.

"DETENTION!" She shrieked. Honestly it was hard not to laugh, whenever she shrieks it sounds like 1,000 otomatones playing at the highest pitch at the same time.

I nodded and slumped on my seat. I never liked History. I don't really care about how person a's so called "discovery" of America. I don't even LIVE there.

I just passed notes with friends. We all made sure not to get caught though. Ms. Costoso and her wife, Ms. Niña were known as total opposites. Ms. Niña was an otomatone of doom while Ms. Costoso was basically the BEST teacher ever. I would know. She's my dance teacher next period. Unfortunately for me, I got the bad wife first.

The bell rang. Students were already packed up, including myself. Everyone wanted to be in there as little as possible. Everyone got up and basically ran.

"Don't forget to finish the textbook assignment on page 187!!!"

My Friend, Vatefairefoutre, No just kidding, his name is Beom Seok, that's his second middle name which we always tease him about, came up to me.

"Ready for dance?" He asked jumping

"Of course I am!" I excitedly said. "When would that EVER be a no?!"

I spotted a familiar face in the hallway.

"Oh hey Hob- Hoseok." Namjoon said

"Hey. I finished the level! Haha hand it over!"

He widened his eyes.

"In one night?! How?"

"Gimme my money first." I demanded and stuck out my hand.

"Augh fine."

He placed 10,000 won in my hand.

"You're telling me how later!" He said.

"Yeah, Yeah, I will."

Me and Beom Seok kept walking.

"Who was that?" He asked. "Oh that was Namjoon, I should've introduced you to him. "It's cool. Do you know everyone at this school?" He mummered the last part. "Why yes, Yes I do. I said." "Hey Jieum." I said and waved. She smiled and waved back.

He rolled his eyes.


After school I walked home and saw the girl that was in the store yesterday at a coffee shope. she was sipping on a latte and working on what looked to be like studying a different language. The symbols were all weird and the only thing that looked like Korean was the circle as a letter.

She noticed my presence and looked up.

"Hi, You look familiar... We went to middle school together right?" She looked at me in disbelief and then looked like something hit her like a brick and she immediately erased the shock from her face. It was in a different language. something like "Oh droit au crash."

"What?" I asked confused.

"A- ah nothing." She replied and looked down. "You don't remember me?"

"No I'm sorry I don't." I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Mh,  It's fine. Call me Sunny."

"Sunny; that's a nice name, I'm Hoseok."

she chuckled cutely

"I know."

It was a nice conversation, and I'm more surprised it wasn't extremely awkward. She's quiet although she's easy to talk to.

Then she got a call. The look on her face was if she had gotten a call from (a/n: an angry min yoongi lol-) the devil himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm late for something I have to go, it was nice talking to you again Hob- Hoseok."

Jesus what is it with people and wanting to call me Hobi? Am I missing something? 

"Yeah, It was nice to see you again too."


When I walking, I saw a journal on the ground.

I bent over and picked it up and flipped it over to see if it had a name; and it didn't I then remember that most journals have names on the first page, but nothing

it was smudged and unreadable. the only thing I could make out was

"-------n's Dia----"

Wow, so helpful I know so many people with an n at the end. or was that even the end of the name? I honestly can't tell.

I opened past the empty table of contents; and and turned to the first page. 

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