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I sighed, and trudged back to my seat. 

I mean, at least detention is only two hours, and school ends at 5, so I would be a few minutes late to dance with the pup, but hey, We could dance for an hour and fifty minutes.


During lunch, I sat with Namjoon and my friends.

"So, Mr. Popular," Chul started.

"What, boner*?"

Everyone at the table snickered.

He sighed at the nickname, but continued.

"Very funny, but is it true you and L are dating?"

"L?" I asked.

"Liichster, pabo."

"Hahahah, of course not." I replied.

"Oh really?" He wiggled his brows.

"What, you want to?"

He blushed a bright red. I knew he had a crush on her, so I knew how to get to him.

"PSHHHH of course not, ya bitch."

"I'm not a bitch, you are."

The entire table teased him for a bit, and then went back to normal topics. Chul looked at me, and pointed his fingers to his eyes and then me. I returned the gesture.

I hate boner sometimes.


I walked into detention, honestly wanting it to be fast as possible, who wouldn't? Being locked up in a classroom with a possibly high teacher isn't the best way to spend an evening, is it?

I walked in, and surprisingly saw...


He looked up.

"Oh hey Hoseok." He smiled slightly without showing his teeth.

"Why are you here?"

"I was late, you?"

"same." I replied, taking the seat next to him.

"I'm surprised to see you here." I told him honestly.

"Me too. You don't seem like the type of person to be in detention." He started taking out his textbooks, and I followed.

"Well, this is the third one this year... Just because of being too loud or lateness."

"This is my first."

I looked at him, in shock.

"Wait, your first time EVER?"

"Yeah, is that weird?" He asked, already completing his english, well, I don't know what language he studies. But it looks like the English alphabet; I wouldn't know.

"Well I guess not really, Bon- Chul hasn't been in detention."

"That person you called Boner?"

"Yup, he's the one."

I leaned back in my chair and checked the clock. Yay only one hour fifty nine minutes left. Why has the otamatone-

"WHERE ARE- Oh, you're here."

Me and Namjoon looked at her in shock.

Her hair was messed up, which was unlike anything I've ever seen her hair. It was always sleeked back into a tight ponytail

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