Chapter 11: Green-eyed monster

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*Jasmine POV*

I blink twice like I always do after I come back after Pardus retreats after doing whatever she needed to do, once my vision is more clear I see that Jacob doesn't have a grip on my arm anymore and he doesn't look angry like before but rather he looks..nervous and he's shifting from one foot to the other.

"Jacob? Are you alright?"

He jumped slightly at my voice and that makes me giggle a little.

"Jasmine? Is that you?"

I give him a smile as I recognize the nervous tone in his voice. Meeting Pardus could be a rather..intimidating experience.

I can vaguely hear Pardus chuckle in my mind.

"Yes Jacob, it's really me. I take that you finally met Pardus?"

He shifts his weight from one foot to the other again before his voice breaks the silence.

"Yeah. I did. We had a interesting conversation and she told me some stuff that I needed to hear."

That gets my attention. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

I watch as he stops fidgeting and begins pacing. "Like how Bella won't return my feelings no matter how much I wished she would. That without a doubt she'll go back to Edward."

He has a look of sadness mixed with realization that morphes into anger for a brief moment, which then melts into a nervous look when he glances at me again.

'Talk about whiplash!'

'Indeed. He needs to make up his mind.'

Pardus' voice practically echoes amusement in my mind and I find myself agreeing with her.

"Jasmine. I want to apologize to you about my behavior, it wasn't right. I would kick myself for how I acted towards you. I was so wrapped up in Bella that I couldn't see anyone else. Can you forgive me?"

He does seem really sincere in his apology that I want to forgive him right away but I can't, not yet. "You hurt me Jacob. I can't forget that, even if I wanted to."

The crestfallen look that comes across his face makes my heart ache.

He nods solemnly. "I understand Jasmine."

It looks as if he's going to say something else so I continue, "But that doesn't mean I don't want to know you. Will you help me with my bike tomorrow? It's been making weird noises lately."

My lips twitch up in a slight smile at the eager look on his face.

"Yeah! See you tomorrow!"

I chuckle softly as the only thing that is where Jacob was standing, is a trail of dust.

As I head inside, I find myself also eager for the next day ahead.

*Bella's POV*

As Bella parked her truck outside of the Black residence, she frowned a little when Jacob hadn't called or came over once.

She wanted to know why. She missed her Jacob. His attention made her feel like a queen, she would do whatever it took to get it back.

It didn't take long to find him. Bella, of course, knew that he would be in the garage fixing up one of his bikes.

The grin that formed on her lips slowly began to disappear as she heard a female's laughter mixing in with Jacob's.

Maybe it was Leah, coming over to check up on Jacob. Yes that's who it was. No one else.

She had done a good job of convincing herself that maybe, just maybe it was Leah's laughter that her ears heard.

But that came to a screeching halt when she heard him speak.

"No way! That did not happen Jasmine!"

Jasmine. That girl from the bonfire. (His soulmate. His other half. A voice in the back of her mind was quick to remind her.)

"I swear! That's exactly what happened! My breath smelled like a garlic for a week!"

Peeking around the corner, she saw the both of them collapsing in laughter.

For the first time in her life, Bella Swan wished for harm to come to another human being.

{Careful what you wish for Bella! It might come back to bite you in the ass ;) I would like to apologize for not updating sooner! Anxiety plus life has prevented me from doing so. But I'm back! Have you guys missed me? ;) Because I missed you! <3 What do you guys think of the conversation between Jacob and Jasmine? Wouldn't you guys agree that the green eyed monster better known as jealousy has its claws in Bella? Any grammar errors I make are my own! Whose POV would you guys like to see next?

That's enough rambling from me!

I'll see you guys in chapter 13!

P.S. I turn 23 tomorrow! 😁}

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