Ch.11- Silence Night

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I shivered. It was dark and i was feeling lonely. It was one of those dark nights when all you could hear was the owl. 

I was near the window seeing how the stars and moon completed each-other in this silence night. The pain was just too real. I wanted to scream. How life could be so sad for someone ?

I just wanted to cry. 

My hands on my shoulders were the only thing keeping me warm that night. When I turned my head in my bed's direction, a single tear was rolling now from my eyes to my cheeks. But it was a happy tear. I finally found someone, and i didn't want to let go. I wanted to make him happy. 

So i decided to find his lost happiness . One way or another...

I ran to the roof. I opened my phone and picked a song. I sat on the porch swing we had there and covered myself with the pink blanket.  I rememberd years ago , when me and my dad use to come here and have a sleep-over , without mom's premission. 

As i was sitting there, visions of me and my dad fulled the empty room, and my face smiled. But then I thought about Cameron, he didn't have a person to swing on the porch swing.

And with that I fell asleep.


When I woke up, i felt someone near me. I opened my eyes , and I saw him. He's the one that I love. 

How did he find me ?

"Baby, wake up!" i said, smiling . 

"What happened ?" he asked still sleeping

"Well, you tell me!" I was crossing my arms while talking to him, like I was waiting for some answers.

"I woke up at night, and I didn't found you in my arms! Firstly I paniced!" he said and after a yawn he started again "I searched in the whole house, and then I remembered your secret place. So here I am" he shook his shoulders, as a way to say 'i'm a cutie' and then he did the cupcake face which made me kiss the hell out of him. 

"What was that for ?" he asked catched in surprise

""If you don't want it just say so!" i said ironically and left him there.

"No , no ,no ! I didn't say that!" he said running after me. He putted his hand on my face, and with his other hand he moved my hair away from my face

"I Love You!" he said and pecked my lips.

"I love you too" i said between the kiss.

The whole morning we only laughed and ate and just did nothing. But all i could've think was his sister , Shawn and his manager.

So basically 1) Shawn was Sarah's first kiss, the guy who went after her.We don't know if he found her, but he's dead. 2) The Manager, whos name is Mike, has lied to Cameron for no reason, or we don't still know the reason and 3) 1 and 2 are driving me crazy.

"Cam, I can't stop thinking about yesterday." i said to him in the middle of the movie."I'm sorry , but i won't stop till i know the truth!"

He gave me a sad sigh, but he decided not to show it. " We will find the truth. You're not the only one who has thought of this."

"So what are we gonna do?"

"Well my parents will be gone for some time for 'vacations' and Mike should go with them. This is the pefect time to go and search in his office." he took a look at his watch and said "I think they might be gone already."

"What are we still doing here??" i jumped and went to my room and dressed up.


"Opened the door , before anyone sees us!" i said scared

"Oh... someone is scared!" he started teasing me as always

"Just open the damn door!" i said punching him

After some seconds we entered the biggest house i've ever seen.

I was baisically in shock. It was bigger than i ever thought.

"You got a big house, Cam!" i said teasing him.

"Oh shut up and come here!" and a laughter escaped from my lips. He gave me that face 'act like a grown up' and i tried , but i just couldn't stop. He gave me a cheek in my kiss, and i silnced myself. Oh and i blushed.... a lot

"Give me your bobby pin" he said and i took a look at my pins and then to Cameron. I did what he told me .

He got it and started to 'open' the door that i guessed it was Mike's. After some seconds of looking at the lock, it made a noise.

"You know, we make a Perfect Two" he said and winked at me.

We enterd in the most messy room i've ever seen. Papers everywhere.

"This is weird! He always keeos his office clean!"

"Maybe he was looking for something in the last second" i wondered what. "Oh yeah" Cameron said " Maybe, cos this trip wasn't planned at all. It came out of nowhere.They called me and there were like 'we're going on a trip, see ya' "

I was about to say 'motherf**kers' but it wasn't the right time.

"Well, i think whatever he was looking for, i don't think he found. So it must be still here" i said and we started to look everywhere.

'bills' 'bills' and some more 'bills'. Some 'documents'. I started to take a look at all of them. In the middle of them, i found something useful.

"What are these?" i screamed more than I said.

"What?" cameron turned to see them. When he took them in his hands, he was as confused as me.

"Why should Mike know where Shawn lived or, literally everything about him ?" he asked

It was a file about Shawn. It had so many picture of him, and his location in a lot of them.

I took them and saw the last page and saw the number 33. 'What was this number?'

"Cam , look!" i said and showed him the number.

"Oh wait ... what about his big dossier! Check them! They all have numbers! I will try and find something on his computer."

No wonder why he was on the computer. He was the best hacker. I remember all his pranks, but that's another story.

I went at the shelf and look through all his dossieres for the one with the number 33. I found it. I took it in my hands and with that I layed on the floor.

I opened it and found more about Shawn. 'What was he a psycho?'

But then I saw it ...

"Cameron ... you should see this!"

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