Re-entry in ETF (Part 4)

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On the other hand all the other ETF members slept peacefully in their respective homes unaware of the storm of happiness and shock that awaited them. However there was one member who never slept peacefully after his wife's death but today a different feeling engulfed him as if someone is going to return in his life, someone who has comeback just for him, just to give him back his happiness. That feeling was satisfying and put him to sleep. After a long time he slept peacefully.


Like any other day ETF office was busy, it was early in the morning when everybody had just entered and gone into their respective cabins. Though it seemed like any other day there was something different and the 4 ETF men could feel it.

Chotu and Shree were playing a game on Shree's laptop, the bosses were in their cabin while the girls were busy gossiping when Sakshi excused herself and got up to grab something from the canteen she bumped into a girl.

Girl- Oh I am so sorry actually I am in hurry

Sakshi- It is fine...but who are you?

The girl was about to respond but Sakshi just continued

Sakshi- How did you come inside? I underdstand this is ETF but you cannot just walk in!

Because of the noise everybody gathered there

Ayesha- Sakshi at least let her respond!

But before the girl could respond Choree screamed on top of their lungs

Choree- Ri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ran and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. The three women just stood dumbfounded while Rathore was standing in a corner and smiling and Arjun was completely perplexed. Finally after about two minutes Rathore spoke

Rathore- Guys leave her she cant breathe

Choree immediately left Riya and she gasped for breath.

Riya- You both want to send me back to the hospital or what

Choree- Sorry na yaar! We got so excited seeing you!

Shree then again hugged her which left Liza fuming. 

Chotu- But Ri! when did you come out of coma? why did you not tell us? You should take rest na! what are you doing here?

Riya looked towards Rathore sir and he nodded slightly.

Riya- I came out of Coma three months ago and only Rathore sir knew about it. He was training me to join ETF again for the past three months. Remember the girl you saw two-three times with Rathore sir... That was me!

Everybody looked at Rathore and he nodded confirming whatever Riya said to be true. Rathore then continued

Rathore- Commissioner sir had told us that we should not let anyone know that she is out of coma and hence to prevent all of you from visiting her in the hospital I told you all that she has been shifted to Singapore for treatment. And remember the day I dashed out of office? That was the day I had received Riya's doctors call informing me that they had noticed movement.

Silence prevailed, the men were happy to see her all fine but were upset that they were not informed three months ago, but they understood. Breaking the silence Riya walked to Rathore and gave him a letter.

Riya- Sir my rejoining letter and my health certificate.

Rathore placed his hand on her head and then on her cheek

Rathore- I am proud of you Riya!

Saying so he hugged her which left Ayesha burning in jealousy. Once they parted Shree took Riya by her hand and led her to the conference room. When suddenly Riya halted, her shoulder touching Arjun's but she was facing south and he north. She turned her head to look at him and then said flashing her dimple smile.

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