A Facade (Part 25)

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Rathore - Shut up!

Silence fell across the room

Rathore - Riya shuru se bataaon kya hua tha!

Riya - Main samjhati hoon


48 hours 57 minutes later

Riya's breath was laboured, her feet barely dragging itself forward. Sweat had mixed with the blood on her forehead as it slowly trickled down the side of her face. With each step forward her body was on the brink of giving up. 

Riya- Sir... 

Her voice came out as no more than a whisper but stooped Arjun on his track. He turned around his hand clutching hers tighter. She looked tired, battered and defeated. 

Arjun - We are nearly there Riya...

He saw her gaze waver as it was now focused on the bullet wound on his arm. That is when he knew, she said it more for him than herself. 

Arjun - Main thik hoon

Riya tore her gaze away to look up at him, she searched his eyes to find deception, lies, a hint of anything that would tell her he is hiding his pain but all she found was sincerity. Her nod was slow but firm. 

She tightened her grip on his hand as he turned around to resume running.  Twigs snapped under the weight their feet as dry leaves crunched with their pace, but nothing could stop them. They were running in plain wilderness, aimlessly to no particular destination. Just away. 

The sun was setting painting the sky a beautiful purple. Riya's eyes shifted to the sky, taking in the view fir a mere second before she abruptly stopped. 

Riya - Bas sir... hum kab tak aise jungle mein bhaag te rahenge. 

Arjun - Just a little more

Riya - Aap ko pata hai hum kaha jaa rahe hai? 

Arjun nodded a little breathless. 

Arjun - I heard the men talking about a village, we should be there just as nightfalls. 

Riya sighed. Her vision was blurring, black spots appeared and her head felt light. Tightly shutting her eyes she tried regaining her consciousness. Ignoring the light headedness she continued moving. When suddenly Arjun stopped, Riya opened her mouth to question her but he held up his hand stopping her. 

The sound of dry leaves crunching under heavy footsteps echoed through the forest. A twig snapped on the right. Clutching Riya's hand tighter Arjun ran in the opposite direction, covered by trees the two of the stopped. Peeking out to see how many men were following them. 

3 men came into view, their exchange of words incoherent. Their eyes scanned the landscape, Riya pressed her back further against the bark of the tree. Arjun leaned in further to escape the view of the men. 

Their eyes met and time seemed to freeze, his eyes lingered on hers longer than needed when the intimate moment was interrupted by the mens voices. 

man - dhoondo yahi kahi honge!

with sticks the men poked the bushes in desperate attempts to find the duo. Slipping his hand around her waist Arjun spun Riya so now his back was against the tree. He pulled her closer by her waist as the mens footsteps neared. Riya's hand flew to his shoulder clutching his shirt as she leaned into him. 

Their breaths mixed as they stood there absolutely still for several minutes. Riya's mind automatically move to the happenings a few hours ago...

7 hours before ( the forest scene above) // 41 hours 57 minutes after (the conference scene from last chapter) 

A breathless Arjun reaches the check post. His eyes frantically scan for any sign, any trace of Riya. In an attempt to continue his search he tries to cross the barricades. The Police does not let him inside.

Arjun - Let me go! I am an ETF officer

Police officer - Sir we need ID

Arjun huffs in frustration, a bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face. His hands search his jeans and shut in disappointment when he cant fid his badge. Resorting to his last option Arjun tries to make his way inside by force but in vain.

All of a sudden a loud blast echoes through the alley way. 

Shouting Riya's name Arjun jumps over the barricade. 

Arjun - RIYAAAA!!!

Arjun continues running fast and shouts Riya's name repeatedly.

On the other hand the guy takes out his pocket knife in order to attack Riya but Arjun holds it. He stares the guy right in his eye while his blood spills on the knife. A relief washes over Riya seeing him there. Arjun hits the guy using his other hand and fights with other goons too.

Riya turns to the girls behind her. 

Riya- You have to fight your fears on your own! The goons have no agenda. Never give in to your fears. It is everyone's right to live freely in this country. Pick up the weapons and fight for your right!

Motivated by her words everyone picks up a weapon each and fights with the goons. 

Having killed most of the goons Arjun finally turns to Riya. 

Arjun - Tum thik ho?

he asks her. She nods and asks him about himself and the team. Arjun looks at her and nods. At that moment Riya notices one of the goons throwing a stone towards Arjun and turns him around. She gets hit on her head instead.

Everything occurs too fast for Arjun to react. A heart wrenching scream leaves Riya's lips when he finally understands what happened. 

Spinning around he kicks the goon to his knees before the girls take over and attack him. Arjun turns back to Riya who is now on the floor her hand covering her wound. 

Kneeling down near her Arjun says

Arjun - Riya...let me see

Riya allows her hand to drop as Arjun takes out his handkerchief and presses it against her wound, his other hand gently holding her  head. The handkerchief is soon drenched in her blood. 

A pounding pain blurs Riya's senses as her eyes start to droop.  Noticing this Arjun tries to keep her awake. 

Arjun - Nahi! Riya, Riya aakhe band mat karna. Keep your eyes open. 

As if unable to fight anymore Riya falls unconscious her body falling against Arjun's. Arjun repeatedly shouts her name as tears make way out of his eyes. He was responsible for her state. Only if he did not insist on sending her here alone she would have never been in this mess. It is all his fault...


Confused!? Over the next two chapters things will get clearer. This whole chapter was just Arjun and Riya! 

I know the update was long due but what to do, I first lost my writing, this chapter was already ready but for some reason it did not save. Then I got VERY busy. 

Anyways, hope you guys liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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