Chapter9: Plot?

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Draco knocked at his teacher's office door, his mind still focused on the stunning kiss Harry had given him before he left. He remembered the warning of his love against man. According to him, he had a nasty look at seeing him. He smiled at that thought, Harry was a little paranoid sometimes! Professor Boisclair did not delay in opening it. Draco gave him a small smile, but the man quickly brought him in.

The young man entered the office and sat on a chair facing the desk. The professor served two glasses of pumpkin juice. Draco took a sip to stay polite.

- Mr Malfoy, I'm sorry I had to bring you to my office tonight, but I would just like to warn you not to show up with your boyfriend in the hallways of the school. Some students came to complain about this behavior, highly displaced in a school where young children live.

Draco felt anger rising in him. By what right did this lousy professor tell him what to do with Harry. He got up from his chair and asked, in his most arrogant manner:

- Is that all you have to say teacher?

Francois had a contemptuous pout.

- In this case, my presence is no longer required. Good bye, sir.

He left without asking for his rest, angry to see that at that time too, there were always intolerant. He walked quickly to his apartments, happy to see Harry again.

Harry dropped to his couch as soon as Draco came out of the apartment to Professor Boisclair's house. He sighed. Everything was going so fast with the Slytherin ... They were in that time only for ten days and they were already together. Harry could not sort out his feelings. He did not know if he really liked Draco or whether it was the fact that they were both supposed to be together in the future that had influenced him. He was also afraid of being really happy with him when they would forget everything in thirty-two days when they should return home. Would he manage to live fully with him if he knew they would forget everything after? He decided to talk about it with Draco as soon as he returned.

Besides, why did this teacher want to talk only to Draco? He had a weird look at lunch, a nasty look ... Harry had been scared of it, but Draco had laughed at him when he told him his fears. He became paranoid according to him ... At the same time, many people were angry at his life since his birth so he had the right to be slightly paranoid anyway!

The sign guarding the entrance slid open and Draco entered the room. He saw Harry lying on the couch and gave him a smile. Harry sat down and Draco came to rest his head on his lap. The brunette dropped his head back on the back of the sofa and began to play absent-mindedly with the blonde's hair.

They let a quiet silence settle between them a few minutes before Harry started to speak.

- So, what did you want Boisclair?

- Nothing really important, something for the class! I'm not dead anyway, as you see! And he did not try anything either.

Harry tugged at him and the silence resurfaced, cut again by Harry a few moments later. He really wanted to talk about what was important to him.

- Draco, what will we do when we go home?

- Come in?

He raised an eyebrow. Harry sighed.

- Yes, go back to our time, in 1997!

- Ah ... you will not want to stay with me? he asked as a sudden anguish seized his heart.

Harry leaned over and kissed him softly, full of tenderness. He smiles as he gets up.

- Draco, you forgot they were going to erase our memory ...

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