Chapter17: I hate you...

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Harry sighed happily as he left the infirmary. He was tired of arguing with Malfoy. For the last twenty-four hours he had only been able to see his head, to hear only his voice, except that of Mrs. Pomfrey, and especially to see only his change of behavior more than strange.

He had noticed that he always avoided looking into his eyes and that he blushed as soon as he got out of bed.

He was beginning to wonder if the reaction of yesterday's potions had not caused irreparable damage to the brain of his nemesis, not that it could be called healthy before that but still ... One would almost say he had afraid of Harry. It was ridiculous, he was much stronger physically, he had the proof two days ago and even if Harry had a higher level in magic, he was doing really well ...

But where did this change in behavior come from? And why these blushes? Maybe he should talk to Ron and Hermione about it. They might know them ... especially Hermione.

He finally arrived in his common room. A whiff of tenderness flooded him as he stepped inside, feeling he had not seen her for many weeks. He smiled his idiocy and walked to the chair where his two friends were kissing tenderly.

Once again, he had a burst of nostalgia without knowing where this feeling came from. Better not to analyze what he thought, probably the incident in the infirmary had caused him damage too.

- Well ! You have a funny way to welcome your friend who comes out of a long and painful agony.

Hermione jumped and turned to him sharply before giving him a big smile.

- Harry! Finally, you're out! We were starting to worry so much!

- Yes, yes, I see that ...

The girl smirked as her boyfriend lifted her head with dignity.

- Do not be jealous, 'Ry, you too, you'll find a pretty girl,' said Ron with a sneer.

Harry burst out laughing and slumped in the chair behind him. He closed his eyes for a few seconds before focusing on what Ron was telling him. Apparently, he asked him for a report on his "long and painful agony."

The brunet smiled affectionately as he watched his friends hold their hands lovingly in spite of the feeling of anguish and lack that was painfully gripping his heart.

He began to tell his story, omitting no details ...

Draco knocked impatiently at the door of his godfather's office. He was furious with anger ... He still remembered his words:

"I'm sure it'll help you ... it's just the best solution ... when he wakes up, he'll understand that you're the one he needs ... trust me Draco ... do not forget who I'm am... "

And blah and blah and blah ... An imposter of potions master, that's what he was. Nothing had happened, if that cursed Potter had dreamed of anything, it had not changed anything in his behavior ... which was not his case! Why did he have memories that did not belong to him? Why did he have those pictures of a Harry far too close to him to be innocent? He criticized himself for thinking of a naked Harry Potter before going to see his potions potions teacher, it really was not a good idea ...

He was going to hit again when the door opened on the fly. Severus did not even look surprised to see him. But that did not prevent him from appearing embarrassed. He faded to let him into his office. Draco came in, haughty eyes and pursed lips.

He turned his head in the direction of the door, waiting for it to close completely to start screaming his anger against the one he considered a father. He watched the dark-haired man close the door softly, looking slightly afraid of the blonde's anger.

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