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Harry opened his eyes hard. Who was the fool who dared to scream at him to wake up so early on a Saturday?

- Harry! Harry! Move around messy! yelled the unsightly voice.

He turned to the sleeper to sleep with the firm intention of putting his fist in his face. He met a blue gaze and red hair. Ron. He took his glasses and put them on his nose. He straightened slowly, vainly trying not to close his eyes. His friend was already dressed and next to him stood a slightly blushing Hermione. Oops, Harry slept naked like a worm. He blushed a little before putting the blanket back on his lower body.

- May I know why you wake me so early on a Saturday morning and you allow me to watch naked? Harry asked in a threatening voice that could have scared anyone apart from Ron and Hermione.

Hermione blushed a little more and stammered quickly that she did not come "naked". Ron shrugged.

- Harry, it's not early, it's nine thirty and I tell you that if you do not move right away, we go down to breakfast without you!

Since when was Ron so mean? Harry mumbled that he would come down to join them in the common room in ten minutes. He jumped out of bed as soon as the dormitory door closed and spun to the bathroom. He entered the shower and turned on the hot water.

A quarter of an hour later, he joined his friends in the common room. Hermione smiled mischievously at the sight of him.

- It's better to see you dress up, you know. It's not that you do not have pretty buttocks but it's still pretty embarrassing to see his best friend naked.

Harry replied with the same smile that he already knew he had beautiful buttocks. Ron, meanwhile, whispered in his girlfriend's ear to ask if he too had pretty buttocks. Hermione answered him by kissing her on the cheek that he had the nicest she had seen in his life. The redhead winked at him and they laughed out of the Gryffindor Tower.

Ron had taken a lot of confidence since the final battle that took place at the end of their sixth year. It was thanks to him that Harry had managed to win. Ron saved his life during the fight. Thus, at the Ministry's awards ceremony, Harry had extended his order from Merlin to Ron, telling him that Voldemort had died thanks to him, in front of almost the entire English witch population. Since then, Ron was almost as famous as Harry Potter, he had confessed his feelings to Hermione and had even been offered a guardian spot on his favorite Quidditch team: Chudley's cannons.

They arrived in the Great Hall, still laughing. They walked to their table without looking at the other tables. There was almost no one in the Great Hall and all three were happy. Because, although Ron enjoys being idolized, he now understood what Harry felt when he said he hated being famous and both were fleeing this unhealthy fame.

Another of the heroes of the war, he seemed rather happy with this celebrity. Draco Malfoy was the youngest spy who helped the Order. He had been ordered by Merlin second class and sent his father to prison. He was now living with his mother, without incident, that's all Harry knew. Despite his allegiance to the Light side, Harry still could not stand Malfoy, the idiot who took advantage of his morbid celebrity. Ron thought like him, Malfoy was an arrogant jerk who thought he was the eighth wonder of the world. Yet, although they still hated each other, they hardly fought anymore. Only Hermione had fraternized with him. His two friends had originally wanted him but today they did not care, the main thing was that Hermione did not talk to Malfoy while they were there.

Harry poured himself a big cup of coffee, his drugs, and drank a long sip. He felt immediately more awake. Ron and Hermione laughed softly as he saw him wake up with the coffee. They started talking about everything and nothing, as usual. Voldemort eliminated, they gradually found their normal lives of teenagers with problems as superficial as girls, Quidditch or courses (at least for them because the courses were a very serious subject according to Hermione). The question gradually shifted to the end-of-year ASPIC.

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