Chapter19: First steps

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- Gentlemen? Severus said as he opened the door. What can I do for you?

Harry looked down, implicitly leaving room for Malfoy to tell Snape what they were doing in front of his office on a Saturday morning.

- We'd like to talk to you, Severus. And not at your door, what we have to say to you is very serious and I really would like it to stay between us.

Severus moved away from the passage to let them in. The two boys looked at each other with embarrassment as they passed, making the professor gloat deep inside him. As they entered, he closed the door again and stopped laughing again as Potter moved away from Draco as he sat in the first place nearby.

It was so clear that these two had an attraction between them that it would not have noticed more if flashing letters had indicated it above their head.

As impenetrable as possible, Severus sat in his chair. He then looked at his godson, ignoring the other young man with aplomb and asked him the purpose of his visit. At once, to his astonishment, Draco's cheeks took on a tender pinkish color.

- Well, Sev, it seems like ... actually ... Potter and I have weird dreams.

Draco had dropped the last piece in one exhalation, as if he wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Once again, the teacher had to use all his education not to burst out laughing. What an idea to come and see him for dreams!

- Draco, it's normal ... It's your age to make dreams involving you both ... You're gay and attracted to each other, that's all ... I do not see what I can do more for you!

The two boys blushed even more intensely at the end of his sentence.

- But I'm not gay, me! Harry exclaimed vehemently. And even less attracted to Malfoy!

Draco glared at his godfather, showing him that he was angry at him for throwing the subject. Coming here with Potter was not such a good idea in itself.

- Mr Potter, if you were not gay, you would not make erotic dreams about Draco. It is only you to deny with so much confidence such clear evidence.

Harry thought he was going to die of shame directly, on the old black leather couch of his potions teacher that he hated so much.

- I do not make erotic dreams of Malfoy! Harry challenged in unparalleled animosity.

Severus looked at him with a mocking, mocking look that reminded him of the time when he could not finish a potion properly - not that this time had really changed but he could at least get a little better today.

- Me neither, Sev! Draco added in a tone that clearly showed that he did not want this story of erotic dreams to continue.

The mocking look of his house manager then landed on him and his gray eyes flashed. The warning sign that Severus read in his godson's eyes amused him to the full.

- Good! What are the dreams of two gay teenagers in rut but who are not erotic?

"I'm not gay," Harry said angrily.

- Yes, yes, Potter, you already said that! So, those dreams? Drago?

- Well ... It's pretty strange ... How to say?

- These are more visions, professor. They look like the ones Voldemort sent me.

The professor's face became serious again.

- The Dark Lord is dead, Potter! he cried patiently, anchoring his dark eyes in Harry's gaze for the first time since the two young men entered the room.

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