Chapter10: I love you...

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- All right Harry ... Come on, let's get in, I'll explain you on the way ...

Harry took a step back when Draco held out his hand. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave him a wounded look.

- So, you're good for something! Harry exclaimed.

Draco opened his mouth to answer but closed it immediately. He tried to take a step but Harry pulled back again.

- I was hoping to be wrong, I told myself that I still misunderstood, that I had still seen everything wrong but this time, it's TRUE! Harry shouted.

He turned around to get out of the room but turned around as he lowered the handle. He walked over to Draco and ordered him to explain everything to him. Severus, who had not said anything before, realized that it was his turn to intervene. He coughed slightly to get Harry's attention on him.

- Potter, it's actually my fault if you end up in our time. I knew at that time that Draco was completely crazy about you, for I do not know what reason besides. I was sick of seeing him despair of love for you so I wanted to put my two cents in this story. I told him to throw the stone into the potion but I did not think it would have that impact, I originally thought, according to my research, that you would fall asleep and that it would take you into a dream where you would find that Draco is made for you.

Harry stared at him wide-eyed before closing them for a second. He ran his hand through his hair, looked at Draco and Snape alternately and finally, he burst out laughing, bending over in two. Severus turned to Draco raising an eyebrow, the blond returned his puzzled look.

"I knew he did not have his head," the professor muttered to Draco.

He glared at him, but he was also beginning to wonder. Meanwhile, Harry was still laughing, holding himself against the wall so as not to fall, his glasses were hard to hold on the tip of his nose. He finally calmed down and dried his eyes bathed in tears. He noticed that the other two looked at him strangely. He blushed very quickly before giving them a shy smile.

- Good Potter, you intend to get out what made you so hilarious? Draco got irritated.

Harry approached his boyfriend and replied in a trembling voice as he stopped laughing again:

- You just want to say we're here, eighteen after the time we know, because of a miscalculation of the great Severus Snape?

The professor's jaw contracted violently as a vein throbbed ferociously against his temple.

"I'm telling you, Potter, that I'm still your teacher and that you owe me respect. In addition, Demortia is a very uncertain substance and it is very complicated to find the properties with simple experiments.

Harry resumed his laugh, although more moderately than the previous moment.

"So, if I understand everything," said Harry, smiling exaggeratedly, "you risked killing us so that I realized that Draco is the man of my life?

Draco lowered his head without answering and Snape glared at him. Harry still had the same smile that sent chills to Draco but not the chills of pleasure, chills of anguish and apprehension.

- You see, continued Harry with a cheerful and excited tone, I hate that we allow ourselves to make plans behind my back, I hate to make me a puppet ... I really do not like that we decide to my life for me. I think I'll try to rectify the situation ...

On that sentence, Harry made a half-round theatrical turn and turned to them just as he was leaving the room.

- Malfoy, I prefer to stop there for the moment, I want to try to see for myself what I feel. It does not matter whether we end up together or not in the future.

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