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Custos' pov:

I woke up short before sunrise, used to getting up early with my training and all.

I sighed, sitting up before dressing back up in front of the cracked and dirty mirror in the room before stretching and cracking all joints I could, even my neck. It did some good. These days, beds are as hard as a rock. I easily brushed out my hair with my hand since it was short, staring into my blue orbs. I had never imagined this would happen to me. The old me would have never believed if I had told her. I put on my belt and checked no one had gotten in the room and stolen anything. I decided to let Amata sleep a bit more and left the room.

I was a bit self-conscious that she could have seen me yesterday night if she didn't have the grand idea to knock on the door before entering, I'm grateful she did, or I think my dignity would have gotten bitch slapped in the face for a few days.

I passed a hand over my chest, fingers only brushing gently against the chest plate. My years of training weren't easy, you know? Constant training pushed us to our limits and treated us unimaginably. One of these instances was when we practiced with a dagger. I sustained a slash between my breasts, not totally vertical but tilted to the left a bit... Though I was still young at the time, I didn't have much breasts to worry about... I needed to worry about how to help myself. They wouldn't help with our injuries because they wanted the strongest only to advance, and if we died, we were weak... I don't clearly remember what I did, but I know it was with thread, a needle, and fire.

I sighed. I didn't really bother myself with people's opinions if I was naked in front of them since that's what happens in public baths, though I always hide this scar. It's just unsightly to most, and I don't want to bother... If not for that, I'd have opened the door as I was... Though even that feels a bit weird...

"Why look who's up so early!" I waved at the father and sat at the counter on a stool.

"Yeah, habit, you can say."

"Yeah, I get it. Being a royal guard isn't rumored to be easy." Oh yeah, we had sworn upon a book with all the knowledge a guard should know that we wouldn't say anything about it to anyone, so the public only had rumors, and those guards that talked mysteriously vanished from the face of the land. Never to be seen again.

"It isn't... Do you serve breakfast or something small in this place?"

"We sure do. I'll make it for you right now."

"Make that two, and I'll go wake up Amata." I made the trip back up the stairs and to the room.

"Amata, wake up breakfast." I shook her by the shoulder until she opened her eyes, and then I let her go.

"What?" She rubbed her eyes, yawned while stretching, and sighed when done.

"Breakfast, then we can find a cart that brings us where we decided to go before loads of people wake up."

"Right." she got quickly ready, and we walked back, the father setting plates of food on the counter.

" she got quickly ready, and we walked back, the father setting plates of food on the counter

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"Breakfast is included in the room price, one gold out of the three, eat up guard and queen."

"I'm not queen anymore."

"I'll tell you this: I'd continue saying you were the queen once. It will show people you are strong."

"...Maybe you are right."

"I am right."

We quickly ate, and she flipped the cape's hood up to hide her hair and the top of her face, like usual. We finally found a young merchant going to our desired destination at the marketplace. He asked for 15 silver coins, which is a rip-off, in my opinion, but we gave them to him.

"Add another passenger to that price." I turned around and grunted softly.

"Then give me... 6 silvers."

"What are you doing, Fortis?" Amata asked. He was wearing his old-looking brown leather pants and a similar-looking bag.

"I believe what you said even if it seems far-fetched, and if it turns out to be 100% true, I want to be there to see it with my own eyes, and it would give me more training; I will be the strongest werecat around and not even wolves will beat me."

"You sure seem confident that we will let you come with us."

"You like it or not, if what you said is true, you can't be in perfect safety with only one person at your side... Plus, I don't care about what you say. I will come."

"Whatever, Custos, get on." We got in the back of the cart, sitting between the merchandise boxes in the available place... Fortis climbed on, too, sitting on the boxes.

"At least your parents know of this? They sure do seem to care a lot, which is surprising with you, but they looked like they could use your help... They are nice, contrary to you." I smiled a little at Amata's rude comments as the cart started to move.

"Shut up!!... Nah, they can take care of this place alone, and I'm an adult. I can decide on my life alone, though it is polite to say goodbye before doing such a thing."

"So you can be polite, huh? What a surprise."

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"

I sighed and face palmed, shaking my head a little. This is bound to get interesting very soon.

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