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Amata's pov:

I sat silently on a high tree branch as I stared off at the far away and yet not out of sight mountain castle.

Looking down I saw the scouts of the armies I had called, the rest coming later on... Though there were at least 100 of each race of scout and I just watched them speed build a protective wall, elves using their magic to talk to trees and using the green crystals too to make a strong wooden wall rise up and wolves and cat carried the stone blocks from somewhere I don't care to remember to set them as another protection before the wall.
Looking up I saw a wall rising in the distance around the capital but it was mostly of stone and planks since they couldn't speak to the trees.

I sighed sadly, I had hoped... I had hoped so much I could get through this without another war to come in my name and yet I'm here planning one against the vampi-- no... A war against the queen, when she's gone the old rule will be back in place and the wars shall end.

I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them, laying my forehead against them with soft sigh, at first I felt nothing, then came the guilt with the elf and now the weight of the death is felt... The more I think the more some of those I killed might have deserved to live... All of the guards just did their job... I sighed and hopped down the tree, I should stop thinking but honestly... The more this goes on the heavier it gets but despite it all I won't complain, it's my destiny and I'm sort of proud.

"Hey mother do you know where the public baths are? I would need one before I meet the others." I whispered and felt an invisible hand tug at my left hand so I went that way.

I smiled softly, I already said this back in the land of fire but she somehow got me to like her despite all the burden she piled on me and taking my father, I guess that no matter what a bond between the mother and her child can never truly be broken even for a being like her.
It also helped that she wouldn't ignore my words to her, you've seen me talk with her and get answers a few times like the tug on my hand... Though I still wasn't used to not seeing anything of her. I felt the touch leave when I was in front of a big white temple looking thingy, almost looking like a more up kept and decorated one then the one in my mind that holds Invisus prisoner.

I went inside, I've heard angels don't have these and each have a bath at home where they are alone in it... It's just so strange as I grew up in with public baths and such even if I did have a bathroom at home... But I guess that despite the destiny related part of my journey, I also learn new things about each culture, discovering each part of the world, after this journey me and my friend will possibly be the first ones to have traveled across all the land ever since these war raged on.

I undressed and wrapped a towel around me as even so I grew up with these places I wasn't gonna show myself off... Yeah everyone was sitting in the same big bath but it was all filled with steam and the water was opaque so the others couldn't really see your body... It would have been a bit embarrassing... I neatly folded my clothes and set them on a bench, I will continue using these while I remain here but after I will change my T-shirt back to the one that has a hood, rumors of me must have started to spread a while ago after all.

I stopped walking at one of the mirrors, looking at myself, the whip's scars peeking out from the towel, the dragon marking on my hand, the claw marks on my face, the two bite dotes, the red markings... I was somewhat happy about these, they showed how much I had already accomplished and knew more re to come.

I untied the towel before hopping in the water, there were a few other than myself here but I already explained why I wasn't bothered. I sat on the built in underwater bench making the water level reach just above my breasts.

Some might wonder where the dragon egg is and if I left it somewhere... Fools, I have had it here the whole time... Yeah I got stared at weirdly because I took an egg in here but they can go fuck themselves with a cactus for all I care... Though I admit it would be funny to see that haha.

I watched the egg just float there, move a bit at a small wave, this was good since the water was warm... How else would there be steam in the room? I had the egg against my head yesterday and to my surprise and delight I could hear a small heartbeat, my little hatchling is healthy and growing, a bit more time and it should actually hatch, the egg had grown a bit in size, much more visible then the first change I noticed.

"Never thought I'd find you here." I was so entranced by the egg so when I heard a voice next to me it made me freak out and fell off the stone bench.

"Custos what the fuck?!" I yelled at her when I surfaced a second after falling off, a bit pissed but ended up chuckling as she laughed, it was rare for her to do so...


"AAAAH!! Huh?! Aura you too?!" Wait what the heck are they doing here?! My face went beet red because, despite the water covering all I was still naked with the two people my heart loved. "w-what are you two doing here?" I tried to ask normally... Sitting there... Oh goddess... Mom kill me now please before I die from embarrassment.

"Well for my explanation I was searching around for you to say an eagle brought a message that the armies will be here at nightfall but gave up and came here to relax a bit and ran into Custos." Aura said.

"I simply came here to escape Fortis who was trying to fight me because I took his bread." I chuckled at that. "I only planned on hiding a bit but came in here in the end since I was already here."

"Alright... Could you both stop inching closer to me?" I said, covering my red face with my hand, Aura just smirked while Custos had a brain failure with no idea what to say with a face redder then mine and splashed water in my face with an angry look, haha cute.

"What? I like messing with you." Aura said and that didn't please Custos so she got splashed in the face. "Hey!"

"Yes?" Custos raised an eyebrow as if she did nothing before Aura splashed her back as vengeance.

"Okay stop both of you before we are--" I splashed from both sides. "--kicked out." I finished and both tried to look innocent. Soon the awkwardness was gone and we somehow had a normal discussion despite the situation we are in.

"So worst mistake any of you made?" Aura said. "I mean only if you are alright with it."

"Well mine was running away from my father and coming to discover a battle field and he got shot down."

"Mine is training some kids and not being attentive enough, vampires killed them all before I could help them or kill all the vampires... That's why I really exiled myself."

"Goddess my worst mistake is a joke next to your guys... I was really young and still training to be a royal guard (*spears of justice intensifies lol*) and well I was training with someone and did a stupid thing with my dagger to try to take my opponent off guard... But I somehow cut myself, you see this scar?" Well you could see the end of a scar on her torso but only the part out of water of course. "I somehow made a cut mark, now I hate it."

"Have you guys--" And the discussion went on and on until the sun was setting, visible through the dimming light coming through the roof, soon the armies would arrive and this fun little relaxing moment may be the last one we'll have for a while...

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