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Amata's pov:

We were in a huge half dome and you can tell it's huge since it could fit the 600 persons present at this assembly with some 200 just standing off to the sides and the rest waiting away from this place, waiting for the vote on the fate of the queen to yield its answers. the only people from the armies here were my friends, Harmonia's family, Aura's parents and of course me, the rest being vampires from the restoration that was now lead by Dux now that his friend and leader had perished in the war, the normal vampires and finally the slaves kept by the queen.

The leader of the vote was reciting her crimes in the middle of the stage the half dome surrounded, I was sitting on the top of the stone dome. people went to vote, filling out a paper with the 3 given choice, one is beheading, the second is exile and third is burnt at the stake. After some quick estimations I'd say there would be a minimum of 1000 votes possible with the people around.

"The votes have been counted and the sentence is decided!" The leader of the judgment declared in a loud and clear voice, making all whispers of the crowd quiet down and I stood up on top of the dome, it wasn't that hard to climb.

"Beheading had 284 votes!"

"Exile has 357 votes!" I held my breath, silence getting heavier.

"Burning at the stake has..." The silence was killing me. "359."

"No!" I screamed to myself, grabbing my head while most who voted for her death over cheered my voice. Yes, she did bad but exile would have been enough.

I watched in distaste as the queen was brought up, she was screaming profanities as she was attached to a pole with a pile of wood underneath her. I looked as I heard the fire start crackling before it was drowned out by the cheers of the vampires. Soon the screams came, louder than anything I've heard before. I looked back for a second and I felt as if something pushed me to do what I was about too, as if I was forced to without being forced too.

"Queen of vampires." I said, my voice only heard by me but she looked at me through the flame as if she did too. "You have wronged these people, your evil tainting the soil, air and waters of your land and you shall pay the price, your spirit shall not find peace, left to wander the lands until everyone of your people's memories, their history and stories of you, your name, your deeds and your reign has been lost to in the past and forever forgotten, left to wander reliving the last minutes of suffering you'll face up until that time has come." I staggered on my feet and fell to my knees before throwing up next to me, staring at the disgusting liquid stuff slowly make its way down the side dome before looking back and meeting the pissed eyes of the queen.

With a gasp I realized what had happened... Something... Had pushed me to curse her... Her spirit shall forever wander around with the pain of being burned alive until her very existence has no trace of it left in the mind of the vampires and those she ruled over... That will be a long time, Somnum was asleep for a long time but legends still existed so she'd suffer longer than her as history will not want to forget her deeds.

I looked away and soon the screams died down, just then I felt a feeling I could never even try to put into words but I knew the cruse had worked... What the fuck possessed me to do this? Not my mother since her touch is gentle and cold and I felt nothing of that, not Invisus I know how having her in control of me feels like from back with Aurum... Then what in me made me do this? I stopped thinking about it, she does need to suffer a bit and if I deem it fit in a few years that she lived enough of it I'll lift the curse.

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