-Latin - English-

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this is the list of Latin words used through out the book updated each time a new one is used in the book, each name of a character means something about who they are or something about them in most cases, I repeat in most cases, few times it's just because it sounded good.

Gens in terra - Nation's land

Amata - Beloved

Stultus - Stupid

Invisus - Hated

Insaniam - Insanity

Lupus - Wolf

Fabilus - Stories

Tyrannus - Tyrant

Primis - First

Viribus - Strength

Harmonia - Harmony

Custos - Guardian

Fortis - Strong

Tristitia - Sadness

Diligitis - Love

Ira - Wrath

Cupiditas - Greed

Aurum - Gold

Aura - Breeze

Arbor - Tree

Nix - Light

Veni ad me - Come to me

Somnum - Sleep

Gloria - Glory

Ferox - Fierce

Spit in vestri sum gravis - I spit on your grave

Viridi - Green

Dux - Leader

Sartor - Tailor

Frigus - Cold

Daemon - Demon

Lapis - Stone

Deus - God

Dea - Goddess

Regina - Queen

Aquila - Eagle

Timor - Fear

Vindicta - Vengeance

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