He's Here

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"Ava?", Kevin softly asks. "Yes?", I said. "Why'd you take out the chair that's supposed to be barricading the door?"


As soon as Kevin said those words, an alarm went off in my head. I sat up in an instant and bolted towards the door.

Just as he said, the chair had been removed and pushed aside.. I peered closer and noticed the door had been unlocked and was slightly open. I reached for the doorknob and was about to examine the house when I heard a small whimper come from behind me.

There sat Kevin on the bed, whimpering slightly and in ethe verge of tears.

"That wasn't you, was it?", he asked afraid.

I turned around and looked at the knob. Instead of leaving the room, I locked it instead.

I turned back to Kevin,"Off course it was me." I gave him a convincing smile. "After I showered, I went downstairs to get a glass of milk...I didn't mean to scare you."

At that, Kevin smiled and drifted back to sleep. I joined him on the bed but did the opposite..There's an intruder in the house and we may all be in danger....

The next morning, I woke Kevin up and made both of us breakfast. His school started half an hour earlier than me, so I sent him off to wait at the bus stop.

I hate being alone in the house with my no-good parents, so I leave right after Kevin leaves...Even if that means I'll be half an hour early for school.

I walk down a familiar alleyway that leads directly to the school. The alley is pretty dark, especially at 7 in the morning.

Odd enough, I felt as if someone was staring at me... I looked over my shoulder and turned around a couple of times but the results were the same; nothing.

Maybe I was just paranoid...Again. "What is going on with me?", I pondered.

As if on cue, a bone-chilling gust of wind came. I shivered slightly, but continued my walk.

The leaves crunched beneath my feet. The air had a certain pine scent about it. The wind raised goosebumps on my tan skin. Autumn in Vancouver was quite a wonder. It's my favorite season. I viewed Autumn as a "Beautiful Death". The leaves crumpled and died,but died in such a beautiful manner. Their colors changed to such majestic,warm colors that range from a fiery red to a soothing honey-brown.

Once I reached the school, I reached for my headphones and listened to some music. Slowly but surely, a few of my peers arrived. They past me and smiled and I returned it.

In the distance, I could see another one of my close friends arriving. Her name is Taylor. As she walked down to where I was standing, I noticed that many heads turned. And anyone could clearly see why; Taylor is beautiful in every which way. From her glorious body to her intelligent mind. She just has this air of confidence about her. And the best thing is, she is so sweet and in no way cocky.

She reached me and we immediately began our pointless chatter. We walked inside of the building together, greeted some teachers and staff, and sped off to our locker. We have first period together, my favorite period; math.

As we reached our lockers, which conveniently are right next to each other, we felt the air change...Everyone became silent and seemed to be staring behind us.. I turned around slowly to see what was causing such a distraction...

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