Crashing Down

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I looked away from him, guiltily. "No", I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.


Guilt...One of the rawest emotion ever felt..It's composed of the words 'could have, would have, and should have'...Guilt can completely destroy and tear you apart.

Some use guilt to build them up, others let the darkeness take over them, rule them as if it was they were the host and the guilt the parasite.

I chose the second...

I showered, distraught as ever. My mind scattered, my emotions unable to be deciphered.

One name rang throughout my mind; Jesse.

The one who has torn down every single wall I had.

Living with my parents, one has to grow up quick, and that'sexactly what happened. I had to not only tend to myself, but to my brother too. He needed protection. He needed security. He needed consistency. And I gave him that...

But no one ever gave me that, until Jesse of course.

"And I owe him my life for that", I thought. And to repay him, I'm going on a date behind his back. A date that would surely break his heart...To make matters worse, my partner will be the person that haunts Jesse's dreams...The one that threw him into this never-ending nightmare; Tyler Oakley.


Short, short chapter...Yeah I know, bummer :( But no worries guys, I'll never stop updating even if it's short.

But I have many points that I have to go over with you guys. So brace yourselves.

Many of you are probably wondering, why is the antagonist or protagonist (still haven't decided yet) Tyler Oakley? Well first, I REALLY LOVE Tyler. He is absolutely my favorite and I thought, wouldn't it be great if one of my favorite people could be in my story! So Tyler is in the story because I love him.

Second, where the *bleep* are Ava's parents??? Well you'll find out in the next chapter *Hint* Jesse may not have killed Tyler's aunt, but he did commit a crime.... Out of love of course. Recap- "I saved you", Jesse had said. ;)

Third, what happened to that schedule you were talking about??? Well, school started and ALREADY I am being bombarded with Homework! I'll try to stick to it though.

Lastly, do I have a new story coming up??

Yes, yes I do.

Summary- It takes place in the 50's in New York, and is about a girl who is broken and had a rough past (she has been raped, had her heart broken by many, and was in an emotionally abusive relatipnship). Well she meets this handsome,older guy who claims he could fix her...

Quote from the book- His soft eyes met her cold ones. "Well Ma always told me never to play with broken glass. Someone always gets hurt, and it won't be the one who broke it."

Please tell me what you guys think...I have a bad feeling about it already.

And if you're wondering if it will be a Jesse fanfic, I don't know yet...Do you want it to be?

*P.S. please try to get more votes please guys...Not being bratty or anything but I was just asking a tiny favor from author to reader. No matter what I still love you guys!*

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