Chapter 2

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Chres' POV

I'm so tired of Jacob and his needy shit. I'm working all the fucking time, and all he does is complain. No, I don't give a fuck about this anniversary. I love him, but damn, can I work in peace. "Kayla can you come here please" I called assistant into my office. In she came, looking good asf. I'm sorry but she does. She's so thick, not thicker than Jake but she's still hella thick. She's pretty asf, and about 5'7, still shorter than me by a lot. She smiled as she walked up to me turning my chair so she could sit on my lap.

"How can I help you, Mr August."She said batting her fake eyelashes. I rubbed on her booty, for a min.

"I'm feeling very stressed right now. Can you take care of me?" I said biting my lip. She got up and locked my office door and got on her knees. I just put my head back and let her bless me. After a while nutted in her mouth, she swallowed of course.

"Do you need anything else? She stood up wiping her mouth.

"Yeah" I nodded. "Send my husband a few dozen white roses. Write something nice on the card, it's our anniversary. " I said turning back to my desk, going back to work. She mumbled something under her breathe as she walked out. I don't really give a fuck about her attitude.


Hours have went by of me in and out of meetings and it was finally time for me to go home to my family. As I'm walking to my car, I'm stopped by assistant stops me. "We need to talk" She face was full of fear and shame.

"About what? I need to get home." I said trying to walk around her.

"Chresanto, it's serious. Just follow me home. We can't talk here"

"Whatever" I said, getting into my car and following her to her apartment building. We walked up to her apartment in silence and swiftly entered. We sat on the couch, still quiet. "Well... Wassup?"

"I'm pregnant. Yes, it's your's before you ask." She with her head down.

"Prove it." I'm not a dumb nigga the fuck. She got up ad grabbed a pregnancy off the counteer and showed it to me. "Fuck" I said, running my fingers threw my blonde baby curls. " You gotta abort it"

"You sure? We can be a family once you leave Jacob." She said with a smile.

"Absolutely no. I told you I wasn't leaving him. Stop saying that dumb shit." I spat. I threw $300 dollars at her and headed home.


I walked into my house, smelling something delicious. I walked from the foyer, into my living room to see all for of my kids watching to tv. "Hey ya'll" I said grabbing my baby girl from Cj.

"Sup pop" Cj said. My other boys were too into the tv. I just walked out with Charlotte on my hip, we walked into the kitchen to see Jake cooking. He was listening to Love Drought by Beyonce, humming along. I thought about speaking, but instead I just walked about into the living room and watched the game with my boys.

"Cj? Baby can you come here?" I heard Jacob yell from the kitchen. Cj got up and ran into the kitchen to see want he wanted. "Is your father home?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, he's in the living room holding Lottie." Cj said.

"Okay. Can you set the table love?" As soon as Jacob said that, Cj groaned.

"No ma, I'm watching the GSW game."

"Just set the damn table" Jacob said, as he said it Cj walked back into the living room. Jacob followed him into the living room. "Chresanto, tell him to set the table." He looked at me, waiting.

"No. If he don't want to, he don't have to." I said keeping my eyes on the tv. Jacob turned and walked away, with his head down. I really don't give a fuck. About 15 minutes later, Jacob called us to eat. The game was over so we all went and sat down to eat. As soon as he gave Char her food, me and the boys dung into all the food.


Jacob's POV

I just stood aside watching my family eat and talk to eat other. They stress me out but I love them so much. I helped Lottie eat her food for a while then I looked up and saw my boys leaving the table and all the food dishes were empty. This isn't the first time this has happened, I put my plate away before they ate. They little savages. They eat everything in sight, but their growning boys so it's fine. "Chresanto, can you come here please?" I called to him, as I grabbed Lottie from her seat. I kissed her cheek and placed on her feet and she ran away. Chres walked in and stared at me. "Can we talk?" I asked quietly. I don't wanna make him angry.

"About what, Jacob?" He said, sounding very bored.

"Us. We've been together for 15 years today. And you don't even care, Chresanto." I said, my eyes swelling with tears. He kinda just stared for a while before he spoke.

"Jacob.... I really don't have time for this" He said rolling his eyes.

"Why did you marry me, Chresanto? Why are we still married?" I yelled at him, my tears falling quickly. He still looks bored like he just doesn't care. Before he could answer Char ran back into the kitchen towards me with Chrestian running after her. "Got her babe. Go head." I said as I picked her up. Chresanto just stared at us.

"Mommy sad?" She said touching the tears on my face.

"No, baby. Mommy's okay. Can you go play with chicken?"That's what she calls Chrestian, being that she can't pronounce it correctly.

"Okay, mama" She kissed my cheek, got down, and ran off. I looked up at him waiting for him to answer. But he just shook his head, and walked out and up the stairs. I cleaned the kitchen, ate my food, and got my baby to bed then went to our room.

"Chresanto. I want a divorce." I said, my voice shaking. His head popped up when I said that. He got up from the bed and stormed over to me.

"Excuse me? You want a what? He spat, looking at me like he could slit my throat.

"A-a divorce"

"No" He said, getting in my face. "If I hear you say it again, I'm gonna fuck you up"

"I don't care. I called a lawy-" before I could finish my sentence he slapped me directly in my face. I fell to the ground holding my face. This wasn't the first time he's hit me, but it's been years.

"C-chres, I- why'd you h-hit me?" I scrambled up from the floor placing my back against the door.

"I told you what I would do if you kept saying stupid shit" He said, sitting back on our bed.

"I don't know who you are."I said. "I-I'm gonna sleep somewhere else." I went into one of our guest rooms, plugged my phone up, and cried myself to sleep.


This hurt me to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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