Introduction to Setting/Characters

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[Main Characters]
-Henry - Elizabeth's true love
-Elizabeth - Henry's true love

-Henry's Family - Brother, Mother, Father
-Elizabeth's Family - Sister, Mother, Father
-The Maid
-King Arthur - The King of Barovia
-Queen Elizabeth - The Queen of Barovia

France, mid 1600s, weather differences etc. Town of Barovia. The Ball, The Villages

Master Class - The highest quality of people, have all of the money they need for generations above, and live in mansions typically.

High Class - Have too much money, but only for their generation, they can live in big houses, or mansions.

Middle Class - Typically a two story home, enough money to support family, and generation, they also have to work.

Low Class - Not enough money, both parents shall work, kids need to work as well, sometimes laughed at.

Peasants - People who are homeless, they do not have enough to support their family, sometimes their kids are forcefully give to any class higher than them, generally master or high class.

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