Chapter 17: Static

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"Tae dear, please open the door. I am closing the shop but I won't leave until you tell me what happened." Irene says, knocking Taehyung's art room door. Irene was worried sick ever since Taehyung came to the shop and locked himself.

"Haechan told me you ran away from the hall earlier, he is worried too. Please talk to me TaeTae."

"Please noona, you should go home, I-I will talk to you tomorrow." Irene hears Taehyung's voice and sighs.

"Okay TaeTae, goodnight and please eat something okay. I'll see you tomorrow." Irene says, though still worried and leaves the shop.

Taehyung gets up from his bed and makes his way downstairs, now that he is alone. Barefoot, he wanders in his shop, tears dry and stomach empty. He always hated the dark but he somehow grew to bare with it, just a littlle though.

"Why did you came back?" Taehyung drops the cup from his hand, startled as he hears the voice. He turns around and finds him standing there.

"J-Jeongguk?" Taehyung stutters, walking a little further to have a better look because he knows it's him.

"I asked you something." Taehyung almost flinches at Jeongguk's cold voice. Taehyung's heart threatens to beat out of his chest and the words cease to come out of his mouth. Jeongguk is standing in front of him, talking to him but Taehyung knows it's not his Jeongguk. How did he even came in. Taehyung heard Irene locked the door so how? Or is it possible that Jeongguk was hiding in the shop.

"ANSWER ME!" Jeongguk yells and Taehyung steps back, breathing heavily because Jeongguk looks absolutely mad.

"J-Jeongguk, c-calm--".

"Don't say my name. I just asked you why did you came back. Why the fuck did you showed up again, WHY?!" Jeongguk steps forward and Taehyung is scared, he never thought Jeongguk could be this scary. Taehyung says nothing.

"Don't make me force you to speak because trust me, I will." Jeongguk just want answers, he doesn't care how, he will just make Taehyung speak. Taehyung stares at him wide eyed, trembling a little but he knows Jeongguk will never hurt him.

"In these two years, I tried to forget you and now you decide to show up again. Why?" Jeongguk has Taehyung caged to the wall. Forget you. The words hurt Taehyung and he is already crying.

"Stop crying and fucking answer me!" Jeongguk yells, grabbing Taehyung's arm harshly. Taehyung winces at the strong hold.

"Y-You're hurting me." Taehyung tries to get out of Jeongguk's hold but fails as the younger's hold tightens. It will surely leave a bruise.

"NO! You fucking hurt me. When you left, you had hurt me and you didn't even fucking cared, you just left and now you are back." Taehyung's heart aches as he hears these words. He knows he had hurt Jeongguk, hearing it from him breaks Taehyung even more, makes him guilty more.

"I-I'm s-so--".

"Don't even try to apologise. Your pathetic apology can never make things right. Just know one thing Kim Taehyung....". Jeongguk steps closer and Taehyung wants to disappear in the wall.

"I hate you. You are dead to me. I wish to never see you again." With that said, he shoves Taehyung away and unlocks the door, throwing the key towards Taehyung and fades in to the darkness of the night.

Taehyung wants to scream because his heart hurts so much. He never knew that Jeongguk actually admitting he hates him will break him like this. He feels completely torn.

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